Sunday, May 9, 2010

How does allowing gays the right to marry affect straight couples?

Are straight people afraid that gay men and women will steal their spouses or something?How does allowing gays the right to marry affect straight couples?
It doesn't. If straight couples are that threatened by what another couple does, they are the ones who should not be married.How does allowing gays the right to marry affect straight couples?
It doesn't.

Some who oppose gay marriage do so just because same sex marriage hasn't even been considered a possibility in their lifetime. Although you can find examples of gay marriage being accepted if you look through the history books and across the globe so the notion of allowing gays to marry is a bizarre, novel thought to many.

Marriage has never really meant a union between two people of the same sex. And the thought of changing the definition to include same sex couples seems bizarre to many.

Then there is the Religious Right. These kinds believe homosexuality is a sin. And I support their right to believe so. But many of these people also believe it is a sin to not tithe to God. Should we then mandate tithing, having it deducted from your paycheck like we do for taxes? They recognize making laws to support religion is bad when it is overtly religious, like tithing. But outlawing gay marriage is also a religious view And we do not live in a theocracy.
It changes the very fabric of society, at the center of which is the family unit consisting of husband, wife and children. Obviously not all families are like that, but as a society it is best to encourage that basic family structure.

I also wonder if you allow same sex marriage if that strengthens the case for allowing polygamy as well, which I am also against.

I don't think it has anything to do with your proposed reason.
Well little kids in the park and elsewhere should not be subjected to seeing two people of the same sex kissing, etc. America was founded on religion and our own government has cursed this land by going against the Bible. Why can't gays just stay in the closet? Why do they feel the need to shove it down people's throats? (By the way, I am speaking in general terms because I have friends who are gay and they are very nice people.)
Where does it stop? Should my horse be allowed to marry a cow? Should my dog be allowed to marry a cat? Incidentally, using the word gay to describe homosexuals is personally offensive to me. I have a lady friend whose given name is Gay and she certainly is not a homosexual. Why can we not call a spade a spade?
It is very simple actually. When good people do nothing, evil abounds. Look, it may not be that we think that all gays should be hanged from the nearest limbs. But what gays demand is to be seen and treated just like all others. Gays want to force us to see them as equal or as being the same. They demand that we accept their way as being normal. That is what this is about.

Now, the reason that many of us object is because we have seen over the years that people accepted one thing and another, which we thought wrong or strange or immoral. What happened? These things only become more normalized, more accepted and more abundant. That is why many of us have a problem with it. Just like warts or fungus, if you do not take action against it, it grows and pops up more places.

Again, when good people do not take a stand against what is immoral, wrong, unethical, they have in effect only encouraged it or given it the okay.

Put another way. If a car thief realizes that everyone on the block is watching him break into a car and no one calls the cops, he starts to believe that they either do not care or that it is somehow okay to steal cars. That make it simply enough for you? Now, how does it affect you? Well, because it has been another loss of morals. Every time you give into what is immoral and wrong, you only encourage it to ask for or demand more. If you do not draw a line and hold it firm, you will be overrun.

You are now paying the costs for many things which those people years before did not think had much of an impact upon them personally. Well, guess what? Those things only grew and became more abundant. Now they are normal. Think about it. How does your neighbor getting divorced have an impact upon you? You may not see that it does, at least not at first. You may not think that the neighbor having a ba=st=ard kid has much impact on you, until everyone else in the area starts to see no problem with having their own little ba-st=ards or until you have to pay more taxes to support that kid and a thousand more like it. The overall moral breakdown is what comes with acceptance of things. It is not always easy for many to see at first, but trust me, if you think about it a minute, you will see the costs that we all pay for our parents and grandparents not taking a firm stand on many things.
Redefining marriage to force homosexual groupings involves too much paper work. It also makes the statement that society accepts this anti-Darwinian practice. So, members of Society have a right to express their opinion for their own reasons private or public on the acceptance. If the majority vote Darwinian-no redefinition. If the majority decide to vote for homosexuals society suffers a redefinition.
It doesn't. let them do as they wish. our president is destroying America. so I can't see any harm in letting the gays get married compared to Obama.
no, it's the same as allowing men to marry horses, it cheapens the sacrament, it becomes a joke, no longer a serious thing. Hello???

I have to go to my neighbors wedding, he's marrying his dog but he just had a nasty divorce from his cat, so the wedding will be awkward.....
Leave it up to the states. I like what Rupert Everett said.

';Marriage? Babies? Please. I want to be illegal. I want to live outside the mainstream.';
70% of blacks in CA voted against gay marriage and 0bama says his religion stops him from supporting gay marriage.

0bama is right on this one.
Who cares? It's all about social acceptance. Regardless of what legal action takes place, there is large part of society that cannot accept gays period.
It threatens society... somehow

It recuires a dictionary change... BFD

I haven't heard any good arguments against it.
In the mind of a liberal, that is exactly why people are against gay marriage. Doesn't make much sense, does it?
Gay people can get married, just not to each other.
And how does it effect the straight couples that are for it?
Yes, we are repulsed by them.
It don't effect me in the slightest way.
It doesn't.
If marriage were retained by cultural values as between one man and one woman and had overwhelming popular support what would be the problem?
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