Sunday, May 9, 2010

How important do you believe organised religion is in a couples relationship?

I believe in you Babe.You are the most important person in my life.I only need and desire you My sweet darling angel.How important do you believe organised religion is in a couples relationship?
I believe it completely depends on the couple. For those who value the role of religion in their lives, it is of tremendous importance. For those who don't, it would be of lesser importance.

However, I feel any religion that values the importance of love and forgiveness within the context of interpersonal relationships has something to offer a couple if they are willing to receive it. When it comes to relationships in today's world, people need all the help, wisdom %26amp; resources they can get.How important do you believe organised religion is in a couples relationship?
I can only answer for myself, I choose not to believe in any religion but I would respect my partners beliefs if they differed from mine so long as he also respected my right not to believe. So to answer your question organised religion is not important to me personally in a couples relationship or otherwise. However, I do choose to live a moral life and I firmly believe similar or shared values are one of the most important aspects of compatibility in a couples relationship.
Not at all... or extremely.

They just have to agree on how important it is.

I've known couples who never attended church and were not believers of any religion. And I've known couples who were complete thumpers...

Point is it works fine as long as each of them are on the same page.
As important as they make it. Anyway what is organized religion i mean i know what it is, but i think something so unpredictable and amazing as God can never me organized.
As important as the couple makes it.

For example, in my relationship, religion's only part is as a discussion for the regular debates my significant other and I have.
That depends on the couple.

My husband and I for example do not believe in organized religion and put no importance on religion and we have been together almost twenty years.
It's usually much, much easier if a couple have the same belief (or lack of belief). It will avoid many, many problems.
Very important. I mean u and ur partner could have extremely different views on life not to mention totally different spiritual practice.
to me it isnt the most important thing. Im married to an agnostic and I go alone once a month. I read daily and pray more than that of course.. I was abused in the 1st marriage. Long story..
Depends on the couple. Very important for some. Others get along fine without it. For some it causes never ending problems.
The only reason it would be important is because you wouldn't want constant bickering between you and your spouse.
Depends on what you wish to believe. I have been married 52 years and neither of us believes in anything any organised religion has to say
It is if chosen the perfect way to live and to know love. 1 Corinthians 13 This is Christianity the only way to peace.
Make sure they are both Christian or it will be a rocky road ahead. (If one has another 'belief' then it will be very tough.)
I think that's for each couple to decide. After all, there are as many gods as there are believers.
What you need is a mutual faith and trust in Jesus.
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