Sunday, May 9, 2010

How often do couples have sex on their honeymoon?

I know it's obviously alot, but I've heard that couples don't even leave the room, but I don't see how that's possible! My fiance' and I are waiting until we get married to have sex (soon!), so I'm just wondering what's normal and what to expect. Thanks!How often do couples have sex on their honeymoon?
As often as they want. It's a personal choice and there is no ';normal'; except what you decide for yourselves.How often do couples have sex on their honeymoon?
First of all, kudos to you and your fiance' for waiting until you are married to have sex. Second, the amount of sex that couples have on their honeymoon varies from couple to couple. I think that people who say that don't even leave the room are greatly exaggerating.

If you are both virgins, the first couple of times are not going to feel all that great for you. It will get better with time, though!

My husband and I probably had sex about once or twice a day on our honeymoon. We certainly got out of the room, though, and saw other things!

Don't stress about what's ';normal.'; Just relax, enjoy each other, and enjoy your honeymoon!
It is so nice to hear that some people still wait for their wedding night! There is no ';normal';. Since you've waited, you might end up having it a bit more often than people who have been intimate for years. Then again, you might enjoy just spending time with your new husband. Intimacy isn't limited to the bedroom. Realize that now and you will always have a loving marriage - you can be intimate with just a look, holdnig hands, cuddling, sharing your dreams and hopes for the future. If you ';make love'; like that all day long, when you do have sex it will be extra special, loving and exciting.

It depends what kind of couple you are, and where you are going. Say if you went to Hawaii, most couples do activities part of the day then hole up in their room. If you're going to a cozy place, like a cabin in the woods, you might end up never leaving!
umm i dont think there is a set number! its not written in stone or anything. it should be whenever the couple is in the mood for it! sex isn't supposed to be scheduled, it should be unexpected and spontaneous.
As many times as you can in as many different ways. When that baby comes along it won't happen nearly as often. Enjoy!

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