Sunday, May 9, 2010

What are things couples can do outside the house?

Me and my girlfriend have been together for sometime now... but it seems as though we have lost touch on things we can do outside the house. We have cabin fever!!! We would really like to find new things to do as a couple outside of our home. Any ideas?What are things couples can do outside the house?
Museums, shows, theaters, parks, libraries, beaches/lakes, camping, gyms, volunteer work. The possibilities are endless. I suggest you start with coffee and the Sunday paper tomorrow morning. It's a plethora of information for your area.What are things couples can do outside the house?
You can do lots of things, and quite a few of them involve teamwork or light (friendly) competition. You can go mini-golfing, swimming, visit a beach, museum, go to a movie, play tennis or racquetball, soccer (or any sport for that matter), take a walk, go out for dinner somewhere (take her somewhere nice, she'll appreciate it =]), or you can be creative and come up with some ideas yourself. I've given you a few ideas to start with, I'm sure you can come up with some more :)
Grab a deli sandwich and go sit by a fountain. The fountain can be at the mall, outside an office building or a hotel. Any place you can find a fountain.

Go to the library together. Go to garage sales. Go to a used bookstore and browse.

Investigate the local churches in your neighborhood. Don't make a committment to any of them, just make the rounds and compare.

Take your car for a wash at the coin wash.

Visit the local dog park.

Go to the animal shelter and look in on the animals. find out if they need anything and come back with dog food or old blankets.

Clean out the backroom or garage and take something to the dump.

All of these things are inexpensive little neighborhood adventures.
We live in a pretty small town and there are tons of things you can do:



bowling and darts


indoor tennis, golf, racquetball

classes - yoga, dancing, cooking, etc



symphony and choir groups

live bands at bars

hikes, jogging, biking

ATVs and kanoeing

archery or going to the shooting gallery

snowmobiling (pretty soon anyway)

home improvements

art or music projects

join a group or volunteer together

More to do in bigger cities, but you can always make an opportunity if you don't have anything you can do together now that you both enjoy.
The suggestions are without end 'Kitten'. A few to start with: 1 - as was suggested; a long walk. 2 - go camping someplace. 3 - attend a state or county fair. 4 - go dancing. 5 - a concert is a good outlet. 6 - maybe there is a good fishing hole nearby? 7 - mountain climbing. 8 - a boat trip (long or short makes no difference). 9 - river rafting. 10 - firing range ( if you guys are into firearms). 11 - go karts are fun. 12 - bird watching? 13 - watch a little league game? 14 - play a round or two of tennis, and the list goes on into infinity almost. Even sitting on a rock on a mountain top watching the sun set or rise is a good thing [Pretty amazing what this will do for the soul]. I go down to a nearby beach for the sunset once in awhile: some of these are incredible. The sun here drops down over some islands painting an absolutely incredible picture against the clouds at times.

These are just a few 'Kitten', maybe one or two will be a help??
Dinner and a movie, stroll in the park, just drive around and get lost and then find some place new to explore. Me and my husband do all of those things we also go to our family's house and see them. We like to go to malls and walk around window shopping. Umm we also like to look at houses for sale too because we are going to be buying one soon. Good luck
Well..don't know if you've tried smoking weed yet..but you should if you haven't. It'll be an experience between just you two and it'll bring you closer. My boyfriend suggested this to me a couple months ago and he was right. It was awesome, felt amazing and brought us closer..not that we needed weed to bring us closer, but it was the experience. So if you don't want to smoke. Try something neither one of you has done before and make plans to do it, but think out of the box and go into it with an open mind.Good luck!
oh gosh, lots of things. Go down to the River if you are near one, and feed the cute ducks. Lay a blanket down and have a picnic.

Go shopping together, and get some mocha first to sip on. Have her try on clothes for you to show off.

Take a walk at night and look at the stars.

If it's warm enough go skinny dipping, but get married first.

Go to the movies!

Just get out of that house!. staying in too much is not good for your relationship.
Since it's October, go to a haunted house. Go rock climbing. Watch a scary movie. Go to an amusement park. Or have a picnic on the rooftop. When you guys do daring things your body gives you the same rush you get when your falling in love. So it makes you more attracted to eachother!
Uhmm, when i ';had'; a boyfriend we were kinda like that. Uhmm, but then we'd get a group of friends and we'd do these things.








%26amp;%26amp; sometimes just go outside with friends, and play softball/baseball. It always got us energized.
Here's my top 8 list.

1. Make/Paint some pottery

2. Have a couples sport competition!

3. Just be goofy in a park

4. Go off-roading

5. Go to a Hot Spring

6. Camping

7. Candle Making

8. Grill up some steaks

Not really in that order.
You could go to the beach,out to dinner,to the movies,bowling. Do whatever you and your girlfriend like doing together.

Hope this helped,

movies and dinners are a good start. I have found that mini-golfing, bowling, and go-carts are good. it kinda depends in the girl. Water parks are fun if you have any good ones by you.
i like to go to the park that's closes to my house its loads of fun with my boyfriend and bring a ball to kick around
movies, dinner, go to a park, hiking, ride bikes, ice skating, museum, city shopping, bowling, theme park, beach, boardwalk... theres so much! have fun, hope this helps! :)
do volunteer work together. take a painting class together

take a dance class together.
Pack a lunch and walk to the park.

Go play basketball at a school ground (after hours)

Go garage sailing

Go to a nearby museum

Volunteer at a food bank
See if there are an concerts or movies playing or just walking around walmart or the mall.
no not sex have some respect take here to a nice reseruant and then take here to the movies and then **** her
screw like bunnies in the woods.





hang with friends


do something cute like long walks...that would be my thing anyway

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