Sunday, May 9, 2010

Question to married couples or engaged people or people in deep relationships?

What attracted you to your first partner, be honest, was it looks or personality,

or both?Question to married couples or engaged people or people in deep relationships?
looks at first then within 10 mins personality.Question to married couples or engaged people or people in deep relationships?
We were fixed up by mutual I'd have to say personality. From across the room we would have rated each other a 9+ at our first meeting, but a short conversation would have sent us both looking for someone else (Which is the polite way of saying that I was not looking for love at the time and we were not a good match for a quick hookup).

We got to know each other because our mutual friend's wife was convinced we would become good friends (at least) if we spend enough time with each other.
I just got engaged in September to my fiance. We met in August 2007 and as soon as she stepped into the door of my apartment (she was coming to visit my roommate) I knew I wanted to be with her. It's something I can't explain at all. Of course, she was painfully beautiful, and she had a great personality and a fantastic smile, but it was something more than that. It was like all of a sudden I knew where I should be (cheesy, but true).
It was her looks (she is hot), the way she looked at me (full of interest and passion) and her personality. She always listened to me, gave me her honest opinions on situations, she's funny and intelligent.

So it was both for me.
Well my partner fell out of a tree in front of me when we were 5, bounced and turned around excitedly and said ';wowwww can I play?!'; No joke. From that moment on we were as thick as thieves and everybody said that we would get married when we were older.

We have now been together for 4 years (I am almost 20) We were each others first partners and took each others virginity. I have no regrets.
I was introduced to my first and only partner at my first job. The supervisor said we had similar interests and Gwenneth would help me get accustomed to the work.

Our interests found us going to concerts and shows also gardening at each others homes. We would exchange a kiss goodnight and this became more serious.

We were together for 42 years until her death.

Rose P.
Definitely personality, we were friends for a number of years. She came out and I started looking at her a bit differently, I suppose in a physical sense. I still love her for the same reasons as I did all those years ago. Of course, the things that annoyed back then still annoy me now, for example, she is very untidy!

We were friends, and then gradually just sort of got really close, and flirtatious, I love her tactility, and her personality, but still think she is the most beautiful person in the world, because of who she is, as well as what she looks like.
I really wasn't attracted at first. We met in a club. I wasn't in the mood to 'meet' anyone, and I found him annoying. He was persistent, and he even used the old ';you have pretty eyes'; bit on me.

I wanted to be rid of him, so I told him that one eye was actually glass (yes, a lie:)). Then I leaned in close, and asked him to guess which one. In the past, that move had never failed to send unwanted company running...but not him. He laughed.

How could I not give a chance to someone who could understand my sick humor? :)
Honestly, i never dating a guy with the looks of my husband. lol! but for some reason this guy swept me off my feet. He's a white guy (i'm mexican) He has green eyes, i've always dated guy with dark eyes and different peronalities. My husband likes rock, and i like hip hop. we're total opposites, but are madly in love. for some reason, it was his personality i guess..........
i dunno to be honest its been 13 years, we went away for the weekend and ended up in a grotty hotel from hell, and all i did was moan.

and we just ended up together, but i do remember he did have lovely thighs especially looked good in cut off jean shorts

But my first partner is not the person I'm with right now.

If you mean ';what attracted me first to my current partner';, I would have to say that she is quick witted and made me laugh like crazy.
Personality more than anything at first. Primarily because we were friends for a year before we started dating. I think she is incredibly attractive but that wasn't the first attraction.
Definitely both looks and personality. The first thing i saw was him. He was very attractive. And then i got to know him. That's what made him even more attractive.
her personality. her sense of humour. her brains. martians have 3 brains.
Personality...Because my husband was not a good looking guy, but he was so charming and wonderful. ^_^
personality hes great, he verykind and caring and makes me laugh he good looking but that just a bonus
Both looks and personality
probably looks in the first instance

but personality is the biggest attraction after that
first looks, then when i got to know her it was her personality

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