Sunday, May 9, 2010

What are your thoughts on public displays of affection between couples?

Assalamu Alaikum

Any kind of passionate contact, such as prolonged kissing or hugging, should definitely be avoided. Milder forms of affection, such as holding hands or putting your arms around each other whilst walking, are makruh (disliked, but not forbidden).What are your thoughts on public displays of affection between couples?
straight couples are fine gay or lesbian displays of public affection are likely to make people sick.What are your thoughts on public displays of affection between couples?
You are living in the past. I love my wife and occasionally give her a kiss in public. As long as things don't get out of hand I see nothing wrong with public displays of affection. It is certainly much better than public displays of violence and hatred. If the couple is ripping each other's clothes off in public that is a different matter. We have a saying for such times: ';Get a (hotel) room!';
I have often seen couples wrapped around each other right in front of your face, then you see them in a quieter spot and they are not even in contact.

I think the thrill must come from being observed.
Personally i cant stand it, but if people want to do it then there isn't much i can do about it, so i try to ignore it.
I think it depends on the situation.
A quick kiss and hugs are fine.
i dont mind as long as its not right in my face when its in front of me ina que and all i can hear is the kissing

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