Friday, December 25, 2009

How do couples work out their differences when they have entirely different philosophies on money, and life?

My husband and I have entirely different thoughts about the division of work, money, reponsibilities and the overall relationship. How do we talk so that we can understand each other without killing each other. I do not agree with him and he does not agree with me. The stuff that is left over is breeding an underlying resentment. How do you do it? Dumping him is not an option.How do couples work out their differences when they have entirely different philosophies on money, and life?
Acceptance. Mere toleration will only ever lead to resentment.

Of course you will have differences, I have differences to my boyfriend, some of them major! I suggest that you speak to each other after putting your own feelings aside. Let the other speak and try as best you can to see it from their viewpoint. If you love the other person as I'm sure you do, these will cease to be that overwhelming if you reach a balance between your two philosophies. Work out between you issues about money and plans. Example: I've always had a separate bank account to my partner, just to maintain independence.

Focus on what you do agree on and talk a lot about that to reinforce your similarities. For the rest, all you can do is accept your differences. You chose to be with them, not just parts of them. Accept and love them for it and work out any issues (which are inevitable!) as they come about.How do couples work out their differences when they have entirely different philosophies on money, and life?
Neither one of you can budge on anything? there is no room for compromise or negotiation with either of you?

when they have this level of disagreement and they don't want to end the relationship then they get professional help.

what you're doing isn't working so you need a mediator. couples counselor or clergyperson--your pick. Make the appointment and go w/o him if you have to.
Perhaps a compromise can be reached. Something in the middle of each topic OR you get one your way and he gets one his way.

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