Thursday, December 31, 2009

How many married couples are actually in love with eachother?

Besides love, why do people get married? What about age? 50% divorce rate, so most couples who may be in love, or think they're in love, fall out of love or realize they were never in it?How many married couples are actually in love with eachother?
Most people are in love with the idea of being in love.

I think that most people get married out of personal convenience and if there is any love or feelings they come with time, in alot of cases they never come at all. I think there is true love and soulmates I've met many couples who genuinley love each other for real but these are far few and rare. Most people stay married because they dont have any money to start a new life so they tolerate eachother until one of them passes away, sad but unfortunately true. You just have to see how many people in hollywood divorce why? because they have the means to do so.Out of 100% of married people probably only 20% actually love eachother. I think the only way to find someone real for you is to always take your time to marriage and never ever marry anyone without being 100% sure that theyre the one!How many married couples are actually in love with eachother?
My parents are celebrating there 15th anniversary and even though they have had some problems they have always been in love. People associate being in love to that lusty feeling most romances have when they first start off. Love is much more deeper than that and therefore you cant fall out of true love. At my church lots of the elders boast 50 years and exclaim how they are still in love.
It is very difficult to go by statistics when the subject is so... well... subjective. I couldn't tell you a percentage, but I do know that my fiance's parents are very much still in absolute love with each other and absolutely love each other (and yes, love and in love are different things) after 45+ years of marriage, while my parents' marriage is more like a business arrangement and they stayed together for me and my sister. They love each other, but never in their entire marriage were in love with each other.

I would say that a lot of the people that get married too soon in a relationship have a higher chance of divorcing because they don't take the time to prepare themselves for marriage. They believe that they have to remain in that ';in love'; state throughout the entire marriage, and that is not true. A good relationship, whether it's a marriage or a friendship, requires work. A lot of the people that get divorced I think didn't understand that before getting married.

Success in a marriage, in my opinion, is entirely up to the couple and how hard they want to work for and with each other. Then it's not just about loving each other, but actually liking each other and enjoying the presence of the other person.

People lie in surveys, and there are too many variables in a study like this to give any absolutely accurate results.

Other reasons to get married are various and plentiful. My parents got married so that they wouldn't have to leave their families to work in faraway farms in Cambodia during the Khmer Rouge. Others marry for financial and emotional security, monetary benefits, a long list of selfish reasons, because they're getting older and really feel the need to settle down, etc.
aah good question. its been asked before, but always still a good question. is it a question that strikes a nerve with you for good reason? id like to believe that a couple that is together is in it for all the right reasons:) but, some stay for all the wrong reasons, when it should have never gotten far at all. i think you can have all the trust in a mate you want, but.....if you do not have anything in common you will not enjoy each others company, therefor.....maybe fall out of love as it is said. if so much time has been invested in each other....sometimes(even if one or both know) you feel obligated to stay with the other because you cant bare to hurt them, when in fact it would probably be healthier to separate so you can let go of the unhealthy ties/bond you have. plus....creatures of habit....there's that comfort that you feel with that other person, that is hard to think of starting over as in breaking in to the after honeymoon stage of a new relationship. i hope that you have a healthy relationship and continue to have many successful relations to come!:)
Relationships are so fragile.








All of these and many many more play a vital role. If just one goes wrong the whole thing could potentially crumble. Like a domino effect.

People aren't perfect. It's almost inevitable at LEAST one of these things go wrong. If you're even that lucky. Your love and devotion must be strong enough to overcome that. but apparentely about 40% of the population isn't. The other 10% got married either too young or for the sake of getting marred.
I think it is only maybe a few, and sometimes when they get older married couples grow apart, which also explains some of the divorces.

I asked a similar question just a little while ago, so you may want to read some of the answers I got. People get married because they want to start a family, money, and because they got pregnant and wanted to do the responsible thing.;鈥?/a>
Its the thing that people do. Reach your mid-late 20's find someone with the same interests as you that you can stand for more than 10 minutes, think they'll be a nice responsible match, get married, have a few kids, raise them, get bored with each other OR stay in love. People have been doing it for thousands of years. You'll do it too.
I got married because I know this sounds corny but because I saw myself growing old with him and Ive kissed a lot of frogs and never saw that with any of them and Ive been engaged to other guys Im glad it didnt work out with them because I married my soulmate. He is goodlooking, a hard worker, a wonderful father, and he lets me know everyday how much he loves me, and thinks im beautiful.
well, I love my husband. But your judgement can become easily clowded if you drop your guard, or are just not as careful as you should be. I became friends with a guy from work, couldn't help it, we were forced to be in each others face everyday cause it was part of the job. Anyway, so I allowed the friendship to become inappropriate, and the attention he gave me clouded my mind and I started to believe my own husband didn't really love me. Well, I don't know what snapped me out of it, but one day I realized where I had ended up and I realized I prefered my husband over this guy and that I was being really stupid. So now that other guy has been gone for a while, even though he tries to call and text, I just ignore them, and me and my hubby are expecting our first child. I take that experience, that colossal mistake, as something to learn from. But not everyone wakes up from their mistakes, some choose to continue down that road and throw everything away. And there's so many other scenerios too, not just the one I gave.
My parents have been married for 56 years. They are still madly in love and devoted to each other. I am the 3rd of 11 children. If you combine the total number of years my siblings and parents have been married it would be over 300 years! Only 3 siblings are divorced (we beat the average) the other 8 marriages are still going strong!
I dont agree with it so much, but people get married for other reasons. Such as benefits, if your in the services, or, some people, aftre reaching a certain age, think other things are equally or more important than love, loike stability, financial comfort, etc.
I have been married 3 years, got hitched when I was 22. I love him. Its a different love from when we first got together but definitely a stronger love. I have so much respect for him now than I used to. As cheesy as it sounds he does complete me.
well i married someone whom i used to like b4.. n ya he was not the one i loved as i met him online.. he is differnt he made me cry but u know wht i m learning him alot now.. n he is becoming my perfect man :) .. tell him wht u want n wht he want frm you????? n do accordingly.. giver's hand is always higher then taker.. n u be the giver :)

pls reply my question;鈥?/a>
love has nothing to do with staying married. because whether u want it or not LOVE ENDS. ALWAYS. so if there was smth besides love - people stay married. if there was nothing except feelings to support that marriage - it ends. because feelings change all the time
uhhmm....... meryl streep and her husband, don gummer are madly in love. marriage is hard.............but in hollywood!! and for almost 31 years?!?!?! and after all the guys shes kissed and had ''sex'' with them??!?!?!? wow. that's love. ;)
Most people get married just to be with someone (even if they don't really love them), or just for reliable sex. I'd say only about 20% of couples involve love.
2 i think
well, maybe the 50% who don't divorce?
That's why I'm not going to get married. Ever.
some women just want to be married so bad they choose these total jerks

idk i just wanted to say that haha

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