Sunday, May 9, 2010

How do married couples divide household chores?

I do the lightweight stuff like dishes, laundry, vacuuming, etc. and he takes out the trash. It seems like I do much more, is this pretty common with most married couples?How do married couples divide household chores?
My wife and I do what needs to be done. Some times she vacuums, some times I do. I do laundry twice a week, and sometimes she does. We both make equal contributions to our lifestyle. She cooks, I clean (the kitchen) and I do the dishes.

It doesn't bother me one way or the other, if it needs to be done, I do it. If she sees it needs to be done, and I'm at work, she does it. This summer, she will do the gardening, I will be putting a new roof on the house.How do married couples divide household chores?
I know that most women get the shaft in this area. (sorry for the pun) Mine was the same. We worked out a plan. She created a chore list. Every week! If I felt that my working 14 hours a day and then coming home to a chore of washing dishes or cleaning the house was too much we would redistribute the work. I ended up finding an affinity to washing dishes even though we have a dish washer. It relaxes me after a long grueling day. Then after she got pregnant she lost any ability to cook anything without retching at the site of raw food. So I took on that chore too and found that I love to cook too. My wife is now panicked that I can do just as well without her as with her. 20 years of this has strengthened our marriage not made it worst. Go ahead and make up a chore list, let him have a lot of input! Remember, if he works longer at a job away from home then that counts too. As long as the money is combined.
he works and takes out the trash....we shop together.....we have a home owners association which maintains the outside of the condos %26amp; the grounds but I care for the flowers %26amp; shrubs in our wee front yard (we have a detached cottage style condo)..I do all the house chores because I'm retired and have no minor children to care for..I also do all the interior painting ( I enjoy it), decorating, cooking %26amp; baking, laundry (he makes pink underwear lol).....we also have a Home repair insurance plan that covers any interior work needed that I can't handle such as plumbing, heating/AC, appliance repairs, electrical because my dear is one man who may be a whiz at what he works at (DBA) but when it comes to home repairs he's totally clueless lol.
This is common for an old fashioned couple, but the new generation marriages that typically end in divorce the woman has the upper hand and the man is a puzzy. You should talk to him and maybe sometimes he helps out. In my marriage my wife and I do 50/50. She vacuums and so do I, we take turns with the responsiblities.
I do every single thing there is to do! All he does is work and take care of the car. (wash,tune-up, etc) I have 3 kids, so you can imagine. He has it so good and easy that sometimes I feel like he doesn't appreciate me.
Well it depends. Do you both work? If so then I say you should equally share all of the chores. But if he only works then I think its fair that your doing what your doing, but maybe he pitch in more on his days off or vise verse if you work and he doesn't. Or just whatever works. If you feel overworked and under appreciated at home then just sit down and talk to him.
Bye their personal schedule and ability.
if you both work then you should share the load equaly. me an my girl divide the work into each room of the house and cook alternately
To each, according to his need. From each, according to his ability.

If both operate from this place, there is probably a good, and appropriate balance that fits the individual schedules and needs of each person.
you don;t say who works and who stays home or if you both work.

i think a woman should do the household chores and the hubby does the lawn work,
Usually the wife does do more in the household, depending on who works more hours and what not. Myself and my fiance live together and we try to divide out the chores evenly, since we are both working full-time. If I cook the dinner, my husband will usually set and clear the table and vice versa. If I do the laundry, my husband will fold them after I iron them or vice versa. If I do the vacuuming, he'll do the sweeping. He does the more 'manly' chores like taking out the garbage and taking care of the cars and changing light bulbs and all that. And I take care of the more 'feminine' things like cleaning or making sure there's a dessert around the house and decorating.

We both do the food shopping together and put the groceries away together. So basically, if I do something, he tries to do something that is sort of equal to it or he helps me out with a part of the chore I am doing.

So I think just dividing it up and making compromises, like ';you cook and I'll clean up'; and things like that could definitely make sharing the chores easier.
It really depends, if you both work, you should both be keeping up with the house.

However, if he cooks, the girl normally cleans.

as long as its not causing fights stuff will work out.
One of my best friend's from Iran and her Iranian husband although he was educated in UK and US when it comes to household chores he believes it's his wife's duty, how convenient huh?

Couples should have discussions about chores and what's fair, if there's no communication there will be bitterness built up and can cause massive destruction in marriages.
My husband spoils me rotten. He does it all. I help if I want to, but if I feel like being lazy.. I can do that too. He does laundry, cooks cleans, does the yard, cleans the cars.. etc.. On my days off, I will help if I am not too tired, but usually its all done for me.
em i would reccomend a like weekly list maybe like this

John: dishes walk the dog clean the bedroom

Mary: clean the toilet hoover polish

something like that i really hope this helps

thats what me and my mum do and im 12 hehe
Common? Maybe. Right? No. Unless one spouse is working full time while the other stays home, the ONLY fair way to divide household chores is to do them EQUALLY. My wife and I split things evenly. It's smart. It's fair. It's the right thing to do if you don't want resentment building up. Resentment may seem like a small thing, but there are an awful lot of divorced couples out there because of it. Hmm...
yes it is pretty much the same in most households, however I bet that he cuts the grass and does much more work outside.
I do the inside stuff, while kids do the dishes, husband does the outside work to include keep up with the cars also takes the trash out if the kids don't. Both of us work so we take turns with cooking, sometimes we are to tired to cook so once or twice a week we go out to eat. Everyone helps out around here which is great. If it wasn't for everyone helping out our home would look a mess.
he dose the outside I do the inside we both do dishes because neather of us like them! any heavy lefting inside he helps with as well!
You both work outside the home??? If so then on a common day off you both jump in and tend to house chores--such as while you vacuum he will dust --bathroom he can clean the sink and potty while you are on the tub duty---well you get the drift---while in a home where both husband and wife works outside the home it is fit to split the work inside and out---or even that if he is a good yard man and spends say near the whole day off tending the yards then you can do the deep cleaning inside--or visa verse---as far as cooking and dishes--one cooks the other cleans up or---both do together--

Now that I painted the perfect plan---reality check----in most marriages its one person or the other that seems to do more of the house chores than the other---just the way it is ---I think mainly because you have a ying and yang thing one cares more if the crumbs are swept up daily and that the bathrooms are sparkly--so that one is the one that will regularly tend to it---I find that a man thinks clean is picked up ---not actually scoured and sanitized---not all men I am not man bashing its just that tidy seems to be OK with most men and they don't see the details much---

So I think you have a pretty common marriage arrangement ---So with that God Bless you and your husband in many years of marriage
just mabey ask him to do a few more stuff, as long as you work and he works, it should be fine.
If either of us see something that needs to be done, we do it. There are no divided chores, right down to cooking dinner. If he's home before me he cooks, %26amp; vice-versa.
That sounds pretty common, but I think that if someone sees something that needs to be done, then they should do it. It wouldn't hurt him to do dishes, or even to throw in a load of laundry. The more each person does the more time they can spend with each other. It is nice to work all week get the house work done and have the weekend to hang out with each other and enjoy that time together.
I think you should sit down and talk about what you bother our willing to do. Don't let him get away with just one or two and you have three or five. Make it equal. If your good at rock paper scissors, I suggest you do that. :P
sit down and make a list of EVERY chore that needs to be done. make 2 columns. one with your name and one with his. ask him to move the chores from the list that he likes to do. give him first choice. post the list afterwards as a reminder on the frig
I do all the housework because my husband works full-time and i'm a housewife so its MY responsibility to do it since i am home all day and i have NEVER expected my husband to do any...He needs to come home and just relax after a hard day at work but he does take out the trash when i ask him to

We live in an apartment building so we dont have to do any outside work.

I dont know how common it is but its always been this way in our marriage.

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