Sunday, May 9, 2010

If same sex couples are allowed to marry how does it affect you?

I can't understand why straight people care if same sex couples are allowed to marry? Please explain, with out anger or insults, how specifically it would effect your life?If same sex couples are allowed to marry how does it affect you?
I am a straight, Christian male and I believe that it is an injustice not to allow same sex couples to marry.

The only people that are phased by same sex marriage are people who think that their religious beliefs should govern the country. The only argument I ever hear against same sex marriage is a religious one.

The real question is: Where is the separation between church and state?If same sex couples are allowed to marry how does it affect you?
I doesn't affect me at all and I support it.

But for most of my life, I always heard that marriage is between a man and a woman, that this is how it is and how it has always been. When I first heard of same-sex marriage, it actually just sounded quite strange to me. Well I am quite an open-minded person and it wasn't hard to convince me that same-sex couples should have the same right to marry like straight couples. But you know many people stick to what they are used to and they think that it always has to remain the way it has always been even if certain changes don't even affect them personally.
*It affects my life because I have children and for me i think that they will sooner be confused about sexual identity and quickly loses its understanding of lifelong commitments, emotional bonding, sexual purity, the role of children in a family, and from a spiritual perspective, the “sanctity” of marriage.

(More than ten thousand studies have concluded that kids do best when they are raised by loving and committed mothers and fathers. They are less likely to be on illegal drugs, less likely to be retained in a grade, less likely to drop out of school, less likely to commit suicide, less likely to be in poverty, less likely to become juvenile delinquents, and for the girls, less likely to become teen mothers. They are healthier both emotionally and physically, even thirty years later, than those not so blessed by traditional parents.)

*And With the legalization of homosexual marriage, every public school in the nation will be required to teach this perversion as the moral equivalent of traditional marriage between a man and a woman.

I can't imagine that my children will read a fairytale story that the prince and the other prince are married and they live happily ever after. lol...
Propaganda created by politicians to distract from real issues.

At one point the argument was interracial marriages and prior to that it was across religious beliefs.

Avoid getting pulled down by the rhetoric most heterosexual people could care less who marries who. You have some loud religion or fundamentally bias people who think it is immoral but can't quantify their response.

I'm heterosexual male and my perspective. If two gay men marry that translates to two less males available to heterosexual females - better for me. :)
It would mean that I could get married and have my relationship recognized by the state (and coincidentally my religious community who is already open to same-sex marriage).

It does not affect others, except if the government were to require the religious communities to recognize same-sex marriage. Religious communities are already free to choose which marriages to recognize, though, so this is kind of a moot point. Who wants to get married in a religious institution that doesn't want to marry them anyway?

I'm hoping that sooner rather than later we will recognize same-sex marriage in the United States. The country that coined the term ';all men are created equal'; and the concept of equal treatment under the law is already behind Canada, Belgium, Norway, Spain, the Netherlands, South Africa and Israel on this issue.
It affects straight people the same way freeing slaves affected white people, or the way giving women the right to vote affected men. People are selfish, and when they have something someone else doesn't have - then they want to keep it all to themselves.

Eventually everyone will have the right to marry, and it won't matter anymore.
Hello! Well I am A bible believing Christian, and Its a hard subject to try and understand, it confuses me big time. I am actually bisexual and i have been attracted to females since i was like 13 or 14. i like guys too and i think if 2 ppl are in love even if its same sex, its beautiful, cuz i understand the feeling. Same sex marriage doesn't affect me and i dont think it should affect anyone else. I mean who are they bothering by getting married? I think its great..I don't think i would ever marry a woman, but if someone else does it then why judge them and throw insults..I know the bible says ts wroing and I'm not trying to go against God or anything, but that subject has always bothered me cuz i love God but yet I am Attracted to girls at the same time..
I am Christian and I could careless if gay people get married. It's their choice. People are so damn worried about gay people when teenage girls and deadbeat boys are having babies out of wedlock and neglecting them, more and more young girls are becoming strippers, ministers are pimps and liars, politicians are sleazy, STDs are getting worse, people are poverty stricken...

Yet people are so worried about gay people. If gay people all got married, how in the HELL will it affect my life?
It wouldn't have an effect on my life at all!

I think gays and lesbians should have the right to get married. I mean, I am heterosexual and I an just instinctively attracted to men. Even if I tried to pretend I liked women, it wouldn't be possible because I am programmed by my DNA to be straight. However, what if my DNA were different? What if I had an instinctive desire to be with other women? What if it felt natural and biological?

Therefore, I think we should support other people's right to pursue love and family.
Well, I am straight, but I have absolutely no problem with gay marriage. My older brother is gay, and it hasn't swayed our brotherly/sisterly relationship one bit. I believe that all love is beautiful, and that it should be accepted as such. It is better to love someone through all thier imperfections than to hate them for what you believe to be wrong.
It would absolutely not affect me one way or another. I could care less who marries who. If people are happy that is all that matters. Nobody dictated to me, who to marry, and I wont do it to others.
it would make me so happy, even though i have not had that great dream of a wedding and i am gay. i not much on marrying but i would be so happy that people like me could also have the same rights as heterosexuals.
Im straight,and i dont care if the same couple get married.It's their buisiness.They can do what they want.I just have to accept it.Hope i helped. : )
It doesn't affect me because it's none of my business, only the people getting married.
Fundamentally, religion promotes fascism.
well i would be able to marry the person who i love being another female but it wouldnt affect anyone else
It does not affect me at all. .
Im okay with it but i think its because im bisexual. lol
i dont get it either...

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