Sunday, May 9, 2010

How often should married couples have sex?

My wife and I have never really had a routine or anything if I was lucky enough to get it than I got it. But over the past year, she told me she fell out of love with me and sex has come to a stand still. Now I am questioning how much sex should I expect. I believe once a week is good. Maybe 3 times a month. Ladies let me know.How often should married couples have sex?
They ';should'; have sex as often as they desire. There is no set frequency.

Why are you with someone who isn't in love with you? What a waste of both of your lives...How often should married couples have sex?
There is no real answer as to how much one ';should'; have sex in a relationship. Sex isn't independent and it doesn't stand on its own! It's an offshoot of the relationship and its expression will follow the intensity of how the relationship itself is between you two. If you are in love and admire and respect the other person, you may want to be close and intimate with them more often. But if she told you she ';FELL OUT OF LOVE'; with you, then there are other underlying problems here, and SEX SHOULD BE THE LEAST OF YOUR CONCERNS. Find out why your wife isn't in love with you! Do something about THAT and then she will want to sleep with you again. Don't just ';expect'; that no matter how unhappy your spouse is, she is still going to put out regularly. She might to get peace but don't you want a partner who wants you?
Well, in a NORMAL relationship, I'd say 1-3 times a week would be NORMAL. More is better, but not everyone has that kind of time on their hands. As for your situation, you clearly have other issues at hand that are more important than sex. Your wife is ';out of love'; with you? To me, that translates to, ';mad and bitter'; because of something you've done. No problem, really. Just romance her better and make up for whatever you did. Until then, you can't really expect any sex with a person who is mad at you. You have to resolve your issues first, buddy. And usually, a woman will go back to having sex with her husband if he is at least working on things, trying to be understanding and willing to apologize, etc.
When you really love someone you want to have sex with them as often as possible. Your love between you and your wife must have died or you would still be sharing the most Intimate act that two people can share. I think its time to re-evaluate your relationship and decide if its time to move on or stay and live with out sex. I'm sure you love sex and wouldn't want to give that part of life up. I think making love 4-5 times a week is good as long as one of those days you play for at least 8 hours. Sex brings you SO close to one another.
My boy and I make love 2 times a day been together for 7 months. We love making love!!

MY advice is

Kiss her a lot before I mean make out ses no touching

Let HER be in control

Call her beautiful

Say I love you

Dont have horny sex no saying oh **** me blah ya know

When my boy makes me feel like a victoria secret goddess I LOVE making love and its not just SEX but about LOVE.

Works like a charm for him. We've had sex like every morning and night and sometimes more for like the past 4 months.

she said that she ';doesn't love you anymore';...i would be assuming this is more of an issue than sex is.

Married couples all have their own frequency of sex.

My husband and I are 1-2 times a week, our best friends are even less and I know some that have sex maybe 3 times a week.

It depends on the couple.
It depends upon the status of the relationship, how much time you each have and especially what you agree upon.

If you aren't getting along, then i see no reason to expect sex.

And if you are having marital problems, consider couples counseling.
Sex everyday sometimes twice a day for my husband and I. We always made time for it no matter what was going on with us. Sex is important in a marriage not many people seem to think so but it really is and not enough or none at all can ruin relationships.
generally, me and my husband have sex once a week, which is perfect. but sometimes we have it more than once in a week according to our appetite, there is no rule for having sex, when ever my husband wants to sleep with me i allow him, i never say No for sex.

u should talk to ur wife about it.
It's different for every couple. But since you get NONE, it's not enough.

Do you think she's cheating? Because usually when someone falls OUT of love with one person, they fell IN love with someone else.

It happened to me...
This is Janatii's husband. We rarely have sex but some nights she comes from the bathroom in revealing clothes and we smooch like crazy and rub each other passionately. I call them treats she calls them';don't expect to get them every night's';
They should have sex as often as the both want to.

Every couples sex life is different.

My husband and i make love 4-5 times a week.
Not to be mean, but you should probably be focusing more on getting help or getting her to fall back in love with you then wondering how often you are ';entitled'; to sex.
Me and my husband do it bout 1 to 3times a day.

but you should just do it when you're in the mood!

(if possible)
They should have sex whenever either of them wants to.

I think a minimum of 6 times a month.
First try to find out why she is no longer in love with you and sex. Fix that and she will be willing when ever you are.
Just about every day.
If you are both in the mood to do it. My husband wants it every day.
You should have sex as much as you want?

As long as she is on the pill.......every day!

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