Thursday, May 13, 2010

Are couples that make decent wages going to wait to get married?

Think about it: Lets say they both make 130K a year. Under Obama's tax plan if they got married, they would be taxed considerably more (260K total), but if they stayed single and just a couple they wouldn't see a increase in taxes.

I would hold off my wedding if that was the case, wouldn't you?Are couples that make decent wages going to wait to get married?
I can't believe the cut off is 250KAre couples that make decent wages going to wait to get married?
I wonder about that. Very good question. Sad to think it would discourage people from marrying. Also, I could almost envision people divorcing but still living as man and wife in order to not have to pay. It wouldn't surprise me.

I know an elderly couple who have lived together for about 20 years since their former spouse's both died. If they marry, their social security will be cut and cut big time. I feel sad and they hate that they are not married. They both say that in the eyes of God they are married, but I swear that on the death bed of one or the other of them, there will be a very sad wedding. I really think laws that penalize people from marrying are so wrong.

I wonder about ';married, filing separately'; and if that might work?

I also wonder if a person were about ready to get a raise if it would put them into a higher tax bracket and they would end up making less in the long run. What a sad thing that is for a person who has achieved such success in life.

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