Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What are some really good books for teenagers that are about high school couples?

i need some really good books for teenagers that are about high school dating. i like a lot of drama with dating and everything.What are some really good books for teenagers that are about high school couples?
dreamland by sarah dessen - its about a 16 year old girl who has a new boyfriend named rogerson. he is a drug dealer who abuses her. so she has big problems at school.

twilight series- by stephanie meyers - its about a shy girl who falls in love with a vampire.

forever by judy blume- a girl in her senior year of highschool gets pregnant.What are some really good books for teenagers that are about high school couples?
Maximum Ride by James Patterson. A series and once you get more into it they get more serious. The book includes action, romance, heartfelt moments, and it's funny. Hope this helps!
basically any sarah dessen book
Good Will Hunting. %26lt;}:-})

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