Saturday, January 23, 2010

Can California Landlords refuse to rent to married couples?

My husband and I have been looking at single/studio apartments in the West LA/Santa Monica area because one bedroom aptartments are too expensive, and landlords say that they will not rent to two people. Is this legal?Can California Landlords refuse to rent to married couples?
No, it is not legal, unless the building is owner-occupied and has 4 units or less. Small owner-occupied properties are allowed some wiggle room on anti-discrimination laws but everyone else MUST comply with the law.Can California Landlords refuse to rent to married couples?

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most apartment complexes will not rent to more than 1 person for a studio apartment. some might make an exception for a married couple but they are within their rights to refuse to rent to more than 1 person. maybe the apartment does not have a certifcate of occupancy for more than 1 person.
Sounds like discrimination, but maybe there is a loophole there somewhere in the law.
I think bostonian is right....check The Fair Housing Act...
It may not be illegal. Most states have statutes that prohibit how many people can live in a unit...depending on its size. Check your local statutes.

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