Saturday, January 23, 2010

What is the normal amount of time for couples to spend together Per week?

What is the normal amount of time for couples to spend together per week?

How many hours do you think is is normal?

im a full time student, work full time and i have some other stuff to do here and there. so my girlfriend is always complaining that we don't spend enough time together. But we both love each other and it's not a big problem but i just wanted to get an idea of how many hours do you think is reasonable a couple should spend together?What is the normal amount of time for couples to spend together Per week?
at least 1 houre a day thats if you have time if not make sure you make time for both of you and do not do it like every fraiday change the days because she will complaine and me sure you make it up the way she want it at least since you have no time and be sure to be sweet man and try to do something new every time you have time with her do not do the same thing every time i cant tell you how many hour a week because i dont know if you live togather and i dont know if she work or studey to so cant manege

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