Thursday, January 21, 2010

How often do you see interracial couples?

I'm a black guy and I find some white and Mexican women attractive. I live in Southern California and antisocial, so I don't know what Mexican girls think of black guys here. If I were to get with a white or Mexican girl, they must be childfree like me (I'm not a kid person).

How often do you see interracial relationships between black men/white women or black men/Mexican women? If you live in the West, how often do you see those couples?How often do you see interracial couples?
I used to live in LA. Now I live on hte Phoenix area.

I have been hanging around as many childfree couples as I can. I have seen childfree couples of every color, and some where interracial. Ok, I’ll admit that Hispanic, and Black childfree couples are very rare.

I only ever met one back-white childfree couple (my former roommate and his girlfriend).

I might have this wrong, but here is why I think you see so few backs or Hispanics that are childfree:

Hispanics are almost all Catholic. The Catholic Church frowns on being childfree. Being that people don’t want to be left out, they comply with the “peer pressure”.

Backs tend to be more diverse in their religion. Most that I know are Muslim, Southern Baptist, Jewish, or Jehovah’s Witnesses. Again all those religions apply a lot of pressure to their members to procreate. My former roommate (black) once told me that having children is a sign of “good health” in black culture. But my buddy is a bit eccentric, so sometimes I think he has a skewed point of view.

I have noted that in the Phoenix area there are far more childfree couples in Scottsdale, than there are in Glendale. Perhaps education plays a big role.

How often do you see interracial couples?
Not very often,but it is quite common in California, but iI frankly don,t think it is a good idea. Avoid it as much as possible. The cultural and social gap is too wide and trouble easily develop early during the marraige. Especially the in-law problems, the choice of food for both, friends of each one,s choice ';, language and cultural differences.
i have seen quite a few of them and i am getting married to a beautiful asian woman and i am white so i guess that makes me one two
I live in Southern CA and interracial relationships are pretty common. I'm not sure I've seen a lot of that particular combination but I know I and most people I know would think it was no big deal.
Dude so cal is the most liberal area to live in. No one in a blue state cares who you I can't say the same if you live in the deep south! Good luck with those white chicks.
i live in the east where it is very common. black, white, hispanic and native american. all mixed up.
Very common in Cali.
You guys should all be nice brown and tan in Cali. Enjoy life!
i'm hispanic and my husband is white :)

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