Saturday, January 23, 2010

What are your thoughts on big height differences in couples?

I'm 5'9'; and my girlfriend is 6'2.'; We seem to get along really good and, to be honest, I'm fine with the height difference. I know this is unusual, and people have made comments, do you see any potential issues arising in the future?What are your thoughts on big height differences in couples?
I have no problem with someones height. The range of height of people I've liked have been 5ft3 to 6ft5 lol (I'm 5ft8)

I do however PREFER that they be around my height.What are your thoughts on big height differences in couples?
Truthfullly, I think it's really weird. I'm probably one of those people that stare at you when you're walking by. I'm sure your girlfriend looks hot being so tall but I think you probably look ridiculous being so small. 5'9'; is short to me to begin with. Next to someone 6'2'; you probably look like a shrimp. Good luck with that. I would probably try and find yourself a girl 5'6'; or so though.
No one of any intelligence makes comments about height differences...I am 6'2, dated a gal who was 6'4'; for a long period in college. No one seemed to care, and neither she nor I did...and that is what counts...that she nor I cared! I didn't date her for other people....I dated her for myself!
No problem... Enjoy your ';features';... Tall ladies always attract a lot of attention, especially if she wears very HIGH HEELS as well... Don't believe these individuals that probably tell her that she shouldn't do so, and to wear flats... Flats do s.f.a., nada, nil, nothing for ladies..

And in fact, flats do nothing for me either.. I'm a long time cross dresser and wouldn't be seen dead OUT OF HIGH HEELS..

Rachelle In High Heels.
At first, I just think, whoa! But I instantly snap out of it! Height isn't important. I'm sure you've heard this soooo many times, but it's true: what's inside is what matters. :)!
Nothing wrong with it. My mother in-law is 4'11';, my father in-law is 6'1, they've never had any issues with it.
ahah nahh I'm 6'2 as well. I used to be ashamed of my height but then i learned to embrace it haha so yeah i c no problem
usually the males are expected to be taller than the girls..

but it doesnt matter really...

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