Saturday, January 23, 2010

What are the requirements for the Army Married Couples Program?

My husband is currently in the Active Army and I was planning on joining but in the Army Reserve. I heard that the MACP does not work unless we both belong to the Army Reserve or the Active Army...Please tell me how this really works. thanks you!What are the requirements for the Army Married Couples Program?
it is only a program for dual ACTIVE Army. if one of you is in the Reserves it is not an option..since Reservists do NOT generally PCS but the AD one does. What are the requirements for the Army Married Couples Program?
Army requirements and readiness goals are paramount when considering personnel for assignment. Married Army couples desiring joint assignment to establish a common household must request such assignment by enrolling in the MACP. The assignment desires of members married to other military members in order to establish common households will be fully considered. Decisions on family planning, reenlistment, and career development for married Army couples should take into consideration the Army goal of providing all qualified personnel equity in assignment. Married Army couples must be prepared to meet their military obligations regardless of assignment. Favorable consideration for a married Army couple assignment depends on valid requirements for the military skills and grades of both members in one area, career progression of both members not being adversely affected, and the married Army couple is otherwise eligible for the assignment. The needs of the service are the overriding factor when considering a married Army couples assignment. Married Army couples desiring to be considered for worldwide married Army couple assignments (joint assignments) must enroll in the MACP. As an exception, Army soldiers married after 1 October 1985, who enrolled in the married Army couples program, and either member receives Assignment Instructions within 60 days of the marriage, may apply for joint assignment. Enrollment in the MACP provides consideration for married Army couples assignments consistent with valid Army requirements. Consideration is continual. When one member is being considered for reassignment, the other member will be automatically considered for assignment to the same location or area. Assignment instructions for each member will indicate whether or not a joint assignment is approved.

In short, at the needs of the army, you can be stationed together, or not together, and while you MAY be able to do so as reserve/active team, the likeliness is less as your active partner would have to be stationed stateside, since the reserves only going over seas for deployments and TDY. To be guaranteed to be together, I would suggest going active yourself.

I hope this helps.
if your in reserves, you can serve wherever he is stationed @. but you both have to be in the active army for the couples program. you would both be stationed together in the same unit .

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