Saturday, January 23, 2010

What sort of difficlties do 14 year old pregnant couples face?

I'm writing a book and was wondering, what sort of difficlties do 14 year old pregnant couples face?What sort of difficlties do 14 year old pregnant couples face?
I think that it's great that you are writing this book, and congrats to you!

Here's a few:

1. Great financial difficulties, most states won't allow 14 yr olds to work so how can they possible support a baby.

2. A lot of couples that young fight with the option on whether to abort the baby/adoption/raise the child.

3. Giving up your life, and not being able to live your teenage/young adulthood years.

4. Putting extra strain on your parents....when your 14 yours parents will utlimately be the ones providing for your child.

5. Lack and loss of education.

Hope this helps!What sort of difficlties do 14 year old pregnant couples face?
Financial, Responsibilities of taking care of the baby and managing studies, the gossips of friends and relatives, what you gonna tell the baby when he or she asks about why age diff is so close in the future?
Most teen couples have no choice but to get on Wel-fare, government aid. Also, teen parents can have a lot of depression issues, or even resort to drugs because of missing out on their young teen experiences. It could be a huge burden to have to take on. Oh and this quote was taken from a site i'm going to give a link to for you: ';One study found their suicide rate to be seven times that of non-mothers'; %26lt;-- i found that to be interesting, i'd never heard that.鈥?/a>

wtf would i get a thumbs down for. giving information that was asked? oh well, probably an angry pregnant teen. LOL All that i said was true, whether people like it or not.
I'm guessing they would face quite difficult financial problems.

And being able to continue education whilst being a parent would be pretty hard, if not impossible.
sadly, many 14yearold pregnant ppl are out there today.

there are many difficulties, the most obvious being:

1. Financial difficulties

2. Having more responsiblity than you are ready for

3. dumping the aforesaid responsibility onto your parents

4. And if not giving up your life, at least putting it on hold.

the lesser known difficulties:

1. The earlier you start being sexually active( and you are that when you get pregnant), the more likely you are to divorce

2. the more likely you are to have an affair while married

3. The more likely you are to live in poverty

4. The more likely your you will be unhappy in marriage

5. Oddly, most people want to marry virgins but dont practice that. You may scare off someone who is a potential spouse but he/she wants to marry a virgin

6. If the couple does marry, they arent going to be able to go out and work. School messes up, you drop out

7. And you are more likely to break up with ur b/gf before the baby or you get married or something along the lines of that.

Hope that this input helped some!
A whole crapload of difficulties.
Wow! That's a tough question! My Mother was 14 when I was born, I'm now 40! I've never met my father although they married before I was born. Without going into too much detail, I'll just say my Mother's life wasn't easy. She was never afforded the opportunity to grow up rather it was thrust upon her! Sometimes I feel we grew up together! There are financial difficulties, social difficulties, and for many the difficulty in finding a partner later in life now that you have this excess baggage. When I was born abortion wasn't an option, nor was continuing your education during your pregnancy and for the most part mom and dad disowned such a girl! Many things have changed since then and yet many of the same stigma and prejudices are still experienced.
her body should eligible for it.
1. no money

2. being picked on

3. strain on the relationship

4. weather or not to give the child up for adoption to keep it.

5. not having a normal teenage life.

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