Saturday, January 23, 2010

What Did Prop 8 Do To Married Gay Couples In California?

Since Prop 8 passed in California, what happened to all the gay couples that were already married? Are they still legally married?What Did Prop 8 Do To Married Gay Couples In California?
the short answer is yes I am still married...the medium answer is the supreme court of the state of california will decide if I am married in the eyes of the state..the long answer is we got married in a church in front of God and witnesses.... ';What God has joined together let no man put asunder';..

But to answer your question today... the decision hasnt been made..What Did Prop 8 Do To Married Gay Couples In California?
Protip: Lrn2google

as a californian though i'll just give you the answer: its not been decided yet. Still in court.
It is going through court right now, and we should find out the answer by May.
That is part of what the California Supreme Court is deciding on! In less then 2 months we will have an answer!

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