Thursday, January 21, 2010

What is your thinking about married couples not being eligible for the tax stimulus package if one has ho SS #

If you marry someone from another country who is not a US citizen, has no SS #, and file a joint tax return you will not get the stimulus package.What is your thinking about married couples not being eligible for the tax stimulus package if one has ho SS #
Well, that's how the law was written. You got the benefit of filing a joint return with them. If you had filed as married filing separately you'd have been eligible for the rebate, but it would have cost you more tax.What is your thinking about married couples not being eligible for the tax stimulus package if one has ho SS #
If they have no SSN# , and are not a citizen I do not think they should even be able to be claimed on a tax statement, much less be eligible for a rebate, or stimulus package.
If the person is a legal resident he/she can get a SS#. If he/she is not, then the provision is working perfectly to implement Congress's immigration policy.
makes me wonder how you filed jointly with their ss#

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