Saturday, January 23, 2010

Do couples who go to different colleges break up?

I like a guy in college and it feels like he likes me sometimes, but he has a girlfriend, but they go to different colleges. I dont really want them to break up...okay I do, but do couples in different colleges break up after a while?Do couples who go to different colleges break up?
Yes, or if one stays in highschool and the other goes to college. My boyfriend and I broke up in June before he went to college. It's too hard. There is the thought that they might be cheating and you never get to see them. Things just start to fall apart.Do couples who go to different colleges break up?
some do, some dont. it depends on how much they care about each other and how responsible/mature they are. I know couples who have broken up and some that have gotten engaged and even married despite going to different colleges.
not at all

if the love between the two people is strong, it will definitely stay strong

two of my girlfriends are in relationships with guys who go to different universities, and they're still going strong... 5 years and counting
My boyfriend and i go to different school 2.5 hrs away from each other but like any normal couple we have our highs and lows but were still hanging in with each other cause we know will be getting engaged soon and hes coming to a school near me next year.
not at all.

i'm a high school senior %26amp; my boyfriend's a sophomore.

it's all good.

idk how going to a different school should interfere.

No, if they're commited enough, they'll make it work.
it depends on the people.

some long-distant relationships do last [:
Depends on the couple.

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