Thursday, January 21, 2010

What are black men/white women couples the most controversial?

There are various interracial relationships combinations, but for some reason bm/ww is still controversial (from the comments I've seen on YouTube). White men, some white women, and black women especially do not like seeing black men and white women together.

Of all the interracial combinations, why are bm/wf couples the most controversial of all?What are black men/white women couples the most controversial?
From my opinion, I think it has alot more to do with white male traditionalist who are use to the old way of black men not even being able to look at a white women let alone court her, because of racist ideologies. Even given the fact that white women and black males have been intermixing for centuries.

And black women that feel like they have to compete with white females for potential black men to be there mates. Which in fact its more of society dilemmas that they have to compete with as far as potential partners.What are black men/white women couples the most controversial?

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Because they tend to be more serious. When a black man has a white woman (god forbid) they're just doing it for the sex.

And since sex with a white man is obviously not going to be good, it has to be for another reason.
Personally, I think this is one of the most sensual and erotic combinations. But that's just my opinion. People are narrow minded....
because back in the day, people though black men were out to rape their pure white women.

racisim sucks gahhh

how is interracial marriage even an issue anymore????
its the most erotic couple, black men are known for being well how do i say this MANDINGO'S and white women are known for having tighter body
Cause back in the day if a black man even touched a white woman he would be accused of rape.
It's because of the unique history between the races
Because years ago, it was illegal for a black man to marry a white woman.
because white, asian, and latino men all date outside their race but they don't talk **** about women of their own race

Mi madre blanca

Mi papi moreno

Viviendo la vida tranquillo!!

Ya tu sabe!!!! =)

Lol im stupid
how bout oj simpson?
I'll give my parents a call and ask them, its been a while. I hate being biracial.

Edit: I guess the thumb down means i'm not entilted to my own opinion...Sorry I will conform and be like you guys. NOT.

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