Thursday, January 21, 2010

What do you think about this lesbian couples decision to go to court over IVF?

This relates to Australia's IVF history

After a very long standing history in helping couples (man and a woman) concieve a child, Australia allowed lesbian women to utilise IVF.

Not once ever has there been a complaint about a woman having twins or 2 babies instead of one. Now they have a lesbian going to court because she happened to have twins instead of the one baby she ask for. And is trying to have the cost of raising an extra child, some $500 000 or there abouts.

This is just absurd to me. Tell me why this is not absurd, what am I missing.What do you think about this lesbian couples decision to go to court over IVF?
I saw this on the news this morning and everyone seems to only have an emotional point of view. How about the legal impact if the court decides for the couple?

They are making the possibility of rising premiums in insurance for doctors, opening the floodgates for more potential (stupid stupid) lawsuits and indirectly causing many people to leave this certain area of medicine. There's a shortage of midwives and gynocologists because of the fear of being sued.

The doctor has already admitted fault - in my opinion all parties should quietly settle out of court so everyone saves on costs and face. It seems to me the lesbian couple only want attention.What do you think about this lesbian couples decision to go to court over IVF?
The attorneys love it.
Didn't you ask this about an hour ago?

edit: at the end of the day it's probably about nothing more than money.
I agree with you. This is crazy.. If she did not want the second child then she could have aborted during pregancy (which i do not believe in) or she could put the second child up for adoption there are too many people out there that would love to have a baby....

But why would a mother not want a child.. this woman needs help...
You are correct in my opinion It is absurd.

First of all, The woman should of known from the beginning that they will fertilize several eggs just to make sure the proceture goes well. I have a cousin who had the same thing done and had twins.

I think the courts will through out this case.

She should of did her homework.
Its wrong but for every lesbian couple like the one in question, there are thousands more who would be over joyed at having twins.
I think they should just get over it! Hetero couples have been having situations where the pregnancy has been one more kid than expected for thousands of years now!
Wow, that is the most absurd thing I've ever heard. No one I knew who went through IVF would complain about having twins. Esp when they transfer several embryos over with the hopes of at LEAST one implanting.

It is beyond absurd.

They sound like unfit parents.
it's absurd and unreasonable but i don't think their being lesbians have anything to do with their behavior.
Im with u if u want to have a child be ready for responsiability it doesnt always go as u plan thats what being parent is giving ur un yielding love no matter what.
Suing for having an extra child is like complaining that you got free extra cheese on your pizza. If that woman is mad because she had two children, if you ask me I don't think she should be allowed to have one. Me and my wife are using IVF and if we were to have twins instead of just one child, then that is how it was MENT TO BE. Its in the grand design. You cant ask for something and then complain when you get it. That woman is lucky to have children in the first place...

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