Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What do you think about interracial couples?

I am Vietnamese and my girlfriend is White.

Just want to know your opinions. Whatcha think?What do you think about interracial couples?
It's no big deal. Mixed couples have good and bad days. No matter who you are, someone outside your relationship is going to disapprove. You'll be too tall, too short, too old, too young, too something. The only crucial thing is that the two of you don't let those external issues seep into your relationship. After a little while, those outside people cease to matter at all. So then all you're left with is a great relationship. :)What do you think about interracial couples?
I have no problem with it at all

I think it's the cuteest thing.

But obviously you might under go alot of obstacles because even though it's not as high as it use to be racism is still alive and it will never die out.

It's harder for an interracial couple to work - there are even more difficulties to face. It doesn't mean it can't be done, but go into it with eyes open.
Should you have a issue with women go to this site [url] they have some really awesome support and info.
Nothing. I hope they are happy.

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