Thursday, January 21, 2010

What is the problem with interracial couples?

I am half black and half white, and to me, it seems that society says that if you are black, you date blacks, if you are white, you date whites. Why do people have a problem with peope of different races being together?What is the problem with interracial couples?
You do make a great point. On TV, there are mostly same race couples %26amp; barely any interracial couples.What is the problem with interracial couples?
If that's a problem that society is having, well....f*ck em'.

I don't meddle in the affairs of other people, I sure as hell don't want them in my business when I'm doing something that obviously doesn't pertain to them. It seems to me that the people who seem to have a problem with interracial dating the most are those who are incapable of getting a date themselves, or have nothing else to do, so they annoy the crap out of people who actually have something. As for parents, well their experiences might have something do to with their concern for their children, but even then, those parents dated who they wanted, so why can't their kids be granted the same freedom?

In any case, I will date whatever race of girls I please, and if society has a problem with it......well do something about it.
some people are just afraid of different things, they like to do things as the majority of people do them. most people are still quite close minded. why else do you think gay marriage is still an ';issue';? I myself love to see interracial couples because it lets me know that there are people out there who are open minded and intelligent enough to not follow society's views of ';the norm';.
Yes, I hate that, I had troubles finding a White partner( I have a sweetheart now, click on my profile to see us) because of that problem you have addressed. Now all the Black brothas and sistas are hating on me GIRLFRIEND!! It made me feel miserable even after having a beautiful man
first of all, there is nothing wrong with it, there is more diversity in the world, always a good thing.

Its either that people want to stick to the similar cultures they have, or they are extremely ignorant people who do not realize that at the end of that day, no matter who you are, we all eat, sleep and breathe.
The hatred and ignorance is passed on from generation to generation. When people start thinking for themselves, maybe times will change.
because some people suck.

usually its the old people since thats how things were back then

but they'll die off soon. don't worry. :]
They think their race is going to extinct which is a pathetic thought.
you can date whoever you want. dont listen to those morons

I wish my son Scott was more open minded towards Blacks
i love all woman.
NOTHING! My Boo (BooNaaNaa) is 25% black.

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