Thursday, January 21, 2010

What should I look for when choosing a couples therapist?

My boyfriend and i are going to see a couples therapist. I've never been to a therapist before, so I don't know what questions I should ask them or what I should be looking for when we choose one. My boyfriend's work insurace covers part of the cost, so we have a list to choose from, but i don't know how to choose. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks!What should I look for when choosing a couples therapist?
I think you have to try them out and see which one works best. My wife and I went to one who would always forget the things we had discussed. He had to review our file almost every time. He would even get confused by his own notes. My wife hated this and wanted to try someone else. We ended up finding this other guy who talks, listens, remembers, and helps us put things into perspective. In summary, we had to try out to see what we liked and didn't like before deciding which one was best. Luckily the second one we went to seemed to be the best. I don't know if we would have had the patience to try 4 or 5.What should I look for when choosing a couples therapist?
My suggestion is to work it out on your own. If you guys cant communicate through your problems then a therapist isn't going to help you. In my opinion anyone that gets to the point where they think they need someone to help them with their relationship, then it is over. But then again my relationship with my wife is a very rare one it seems.
you have a boyfriend that agreed to go to couples therapy? well theres your problem right there. youre dating a woman. i just saved you 90bucks an hour.

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