Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What do you think of interracial couples?

I am very white and my boyfriend is a dark-skinned mexican. Do you think that I'd look okay with him?What do you think of interracial couples?
I'm all for it.What do you think of interracial couples?
It is not like you trying jeans or a dress on you..Its how you feel about your boyfriend..I am white(european white) and my husband in black american..I know people looking at us,but I do not care what they think and how they feel about interracial couples..The only thing I care is loving my hubby,understanding and making nice beautiful family together.Believe me,people will always find something to talk about..Just be happy and enjoy your life..
hey emma. well first of all you SHOULDN'T listen to that guy that says ';stick to your own kind';. i think it shouldn't matter what race or skin color your boyfriend is. the only thing that should matter is if y'all like each other and he treats you right. personally i think y'all would make a good couple. im a pretty light skinned mexican..not really that dark. my best friends brother (who is also mexican) and i have had a white girlfriend before, and also a black girlfriend before. we didn't care what other people thought about us and neither should you. if you really like/love him go for it.

you could get a tan hahaha JK
I think so.

I'm (light-skinned) black and I'm dating a light-dark-skinned half white, half Mexican.

My biological father is dating a Korean woman. My step-dad is white.
Who care what you look like with him? You're looking for a boyfriend, not an accessory. People may give you crap about your interracial relationship, but if you like him, then it shouldn't matter.
Why do you even care what people think? Everyone is going to say something diffrent so..whats the point. But to answer you question i like interracial couples, as long as he makes you happy theres NOTHING wrong with how you 2 look together.
love sees no barriers, if two people want to be together then nothing should stop them theres nothing wrong with it, you will look fine


the real question is do you love/like him?

it shouldnt matter what colour you are or where ur from if u love him then u shouldnt care!!!


my mom is white and mii dad is black n there a HOT couple!! and they BOTH dont care what ppl say!!!
thats weird last time i checked you date someone from whats on the inside not there skin color or anything above like there race

do mine

It does not matter what you to look like together. All that matters is how you feel about each other. So if you care about him and your relationship then being an interracial couple should not matter.
Skin color and race only matter as much as you let it matter. I personally don't see anything wrong with interracial couples.
who cares as long as you two are into each other, how a couple looks is not important unless you guys are running for cutest couple for the yearbook or something.
Try this dating site


Really Nice!! My username is ';looking4love';.

Give me your comments on my photos. I'm waiting 4 u.
Absolutely unless he looks completely GAY!!! Plus ur kids will look beautiful! :) Lucky you! I'm guy and wish I had a gorgeous mexican girl! :)
Race doesn't matter.

Interracial couples make really cute babies. XD

I think you would look cute with him.
Wow------------------ lamest question ever. How will i look? Wow........
it's about love. i think you shouldn't worry about the skin color, and worry about what's inside.
If it's love it doesn't matter how you look. Who cares what other people think.Btw: I bet u two look/are great together.
Most importantly is what do you think?
IMO, you should stick to your own race.
love does not have a color if u and him were blind would it really matter?
I don't care enough. If you love that person, it doesn't matter.
I don't think that is a problem.

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