Thursday, January 21, 2010

Why are we bothered by certain inter-racial couples but not others?

Why is it that certain inter-racial couples bother us?

Why is it when we see a black and a white dating all hell breaks lose, but when we see a black and a hispanic or a white and an asian, nobody makes a big deal?

I'm just curious, is it for social status or history?Why are we bothered by certain inter-racial couples but not others?
Personally speaking, I don't get bothered by interracial couples. I think it is kind of cool, and you can learn more from dating someone outside of your ';cultural norm'; than dating someone who is in your cultural norm. A Latino friend of mine once said he couldn't date outside of his race even if he wanted to (which he does) because the American media stereotypes him as a low-class or with immigrant status even if it may or may not be true. If we look at this in a historical perspective, Indians discriminate against each other based on skin color. The lighter the girl's skin color the higher class she marries into. Today, you will see that most of Bollywood has light Indian skin opposed dark Indian skin which signifies low-class.Why are we bothered by certain inter-racial couples but not others?
It depends on the history of the ethnicities dating. Whites and Asians for instance, you see alot in Upper Class neighborhoods, the Asians worked to end up there and did not have a problem with the Whites there and thats why their dating is easier to do. Blacks and Puerto Ricans can easily date because they often end up in the same neighborhoods working similar jobs and living similarly. Blacks and Whites however have a messed up history in America so thats why wherever a Black/White Couple goes, they get s from all sides.

I don't live in the USA but I live in Canada and from South America and it has never been an issue ...I find their are only close minded individuals that seem to have this problem ...The ones who don't have a life that have to care about what another person does

sorry where I live no one cares if they see a black and white person married
two cultures that were kept apart from each other the most black and whites. there was segregation and a law that blacks and whites couldnt marry. after they abolished these laws there is still tension.
Good point actually


........|..........SteveC ..........


two very opposite skin colors and then the history between the two
America is obsessed with race. I hate America.

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