Saturday, January 23, 2010

What are FACTS of homosexual couple longevity and rate of violence within homosexual couples?

My understanding is that promiscuity, adultery and physical abuse are far higher in the homosexual community, even in countries where same-sex marriage is legal.

Excellent question!What are FACTS of homosexual couple longevity and rate of violence within homosexual couples?
There are none, attempts to suppress such unions and to deny that they could possibly work have prevented any actual research in the matter. As you say I could give you examples of couples I've personally known, but that is a statistically meaningless sample, it's too small. The only way to get actual facts is through observation and experiment, and as long as society refuses to even let them try facts about the nature of same sex marriages will not be available. Assuming that human beings are human beings, however, it is reasonable to extrapolate from heterosexual marriages that lifelong monogamy will be no more successful among same sex couples than opposite sex couples, humans simply don't seem to be monogamous by nature, hence the high degrees of infidelity and divorce.What are FACTS of homosexual couple longevity and rate of violence within homosexual couples?

We all know that there are a ton of straight divorces, and that spousal abuse in straight marriages happens very often. We aren't certain on how often the violence happens, since it isn't always reported.

How many divorces, or how much spousal abuse needs to happen to make straight marriage illegal? Probably a lot, huh?

So you're probably just someone against gay marriage, trying to come up with reasons to be against it.
The facts are that homosexuals are human beings and are no different that heterosexuals. Therefore couple's longevity and violence tendency would depend on individual mentality and behavior, not a group attribute.
Don't know about anyone else, but my partner and I have been happily together for 30 years - more than anyone else in either one of our families - many of whom have divorced multiple times.
There is more violence in homosexual relationships and they break up more often.
Homosexual couples are well out numbered. A fair research has not been conducted. If one is done, then what?
The lawyers a going love the extra income when those gays start devorcing
We probably won't get any of that info until gay 'marriage' is legal.
Those relationships last as long as a tube of KY.
Records are not kept.

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