Thursday, January 21, 2010

What are your thoughts on same-sex couples who are married and want a divorce, ';gay divorce';?

Those of us who are in support of gay rights support gay marriage, and see gay divorce as no different, a legal right.

How are those who oppose gay marriage feel about gay divorce, since it leads to less gay marriages? Do they support the gay peoples rights to gay divorce?What are your thoughts on same-sex couples who are married and want a divorce, ';gay divorce';?
in gods eyes divorce is wrong, in gods eyes gay marriage is wrong, but divorce is wrong, homosexuality is wrong, divorce is wrong. oh no i tried to think like one of them and went crosseyedWhat are your thoughts on same-sex couples who are married and want a divorce, ';gay divorce';?
Your question assumes that those who support gay rights

also support gay marriage.

I support gay rights but I do not support gay marriage at all.

Gay Marriage is a made-up word.

There are many who agree with me on this point.

I support gay rights

but I do not support ';gay Rites';!

Wishing you the best,

Whatever a gay married couple need to do in terms of declaring the union no longer legally binding is just that: whatever. As for not being married anymore, it was a secular marriage to begin with so one can pretty much make up whatever rules they want for that.

There's no guidance on what to do in the secular world except the opinion of society at the given moment a question is asked.

God bless you.
If a couple, straight or gay, are legally married and want a divorce they should have the right to divorce. I oppose same-sex marriages and civil unions but I can't oppose them divorcing. Why should they be forced to stay together if things aren't working out right. I think all couples seeking a divorce should seek counseling for to see if they can stand up to their vows first.
If I'm not getting divorced then I don't care. Not my business.

As should be gay rights, if its not your lips the same sex is kissing, not your hand the same sex is holding, then you have no say. And if you do have an opinion, it's better left kept to yourself as that is your business.

People can marry people, people can divorce people.
Wouldn't you just call it ';divorce'; an' all?

I don't dad and ma think it is bad for gays to marry. =/

But I don't think God cares or if he does then he can deal with them Himself. So I think everybody should get married if they wanna.

But you should probably stay married cuz divorice is wrong.

God said so!
Why do people care about civil marriage?

I guarantee if the state only gave out civil unions nobody would even give a damn. It's so stupid. They don't even force religions to marry gays. Why don't they just change the name to ';civil union'; and end this whole stupid thing?
The only problem with divorce is when children are affected.

There are no reasons why a same sex couple should be treated any differently with regard to a legalized partnership. It is between to couple and their legal representatives.
Homosexuals should not cohabit in the first instance. I can not from a christian point of view condone gay marriage. So since I do not think they are married in the sight of God no problem about divorce.
I think that it goes with the territory if they want to get married then divorce is inevitable.

I am against gay marriage.
Fundies don't recognize gay marriage as being valid in the first place, so why would they have a problem with gays divorcing?
probably not considering they dont want homosexuals to have any way to make them equal to a heterosexual couple. theyre ignorant and just want something to fight about.
What's to think about? Since I support gay marriage, it's natural that I support gay divorce.
Marriage is marriage, divorce is divorce.

Either one can lead to happiness or misery, depending on the circumstances.
I don't see why a same sex couple's right to exit an unhappy marriage is any different than a traditional couple's.
Equal rights and equal protection means gays have every right to be as miserable in marriage as the straights.
Morally and spiritually, I don't consider them married in the first place.


I dont support a gay marriage but if they want a divorce, I am all for it, if they have come to see the Light.
gay is wrong so yes divorce and then arranged heterosexual marriage :)
What difference does it make. If a state supports gay whatever then divorce should be a given if it happens.

Rhetorical q. you ask..
If gay marriage is the law of the day then gay divorce would have to be as well.
I agree with Sarah Palin. Marriage is for reluctant pregnant teens.
They cant get a divorce cuz they were never truly married in the first place.
Did you know that Marriage is the number one cause of divorce???

Personally, I think gays should be allowed to marry. After all, they are only human, and they should have to endure the same torture that we straight people have to deal with!
I don't have thoughts on the private love lives of others.
I guess they've finally seen the light.
Ce'st La vie
the hell with them all
divorce should be banned in this nation-----divorce is an abominational practice-----a man and woman are always married in the eyes of our lord---
They shouldn't have been married in the first place.
i don't support gay marriage in anyway

i don't support gay marriage in anyway

i don't support gay marriage in anyway

i don't support gay marriage in anyway

i don't support gay marriage in anyway

i don't support gay marriage in anyway

8 thumbs downs isn't even a lot
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