Saturday, January 23, 2010

What are some good sites to look to meet couples?

Hi, I'm a bisexual androgyne male and I've been trying to look for guys and girls to start getting a possible mmf or mmff poly relationship started as I'm attracted to bisexuals and both genders and would like to try a relationship style of this kind. I have recently been having trouble and I was wondering where I could possibly look instead of tying to look for a single person at a time as I have been doing for some time; to possibly look for couples. Any help would really be appreciated. Thank you.What are some good sites to look to meet couples?
I would try chats there so much funner!

try 321 gay chat or gay teen if your between 13%26amp;19 if your older just try the 321 gay chat

its for LGBT and its fun and you can meet alot of cool people

I suggest getting MSN instant messanger though!

You can also try Chat Avenue for 18 and older

they have a gay chat avenue also

umm theres creglist


try my space

or facebook

I suggest my space though

anyway good luck

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