Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What religions allow gay and lesbian couples to join?

I know most christians and jews are against same sex couples but what about the other world faiths? Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Scientologists, etc.... What do that say about it?What religions allow gay and lesbian couples to join?
Wicca and other branches of NeoPaganism, Buddhism, Taoism, and some sects of Reform Judaism, for sure. Of the denominations of Christianity, I know that Unitarians and Quakers do, United Church of Christ do, some United Methodists do, and I'm sure some others do as well. The Episcopals have just recently named a gay bishop, so I'm assuming they do too.What religions allow gay and lesbian couples to join?
I think that your question was already answered, but I thought that you might be interesting in this article: http://www.aish.com/spirituali…

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You can be a part of a Jewish or Christian church, you just have to find the right one. In my experience I've found that of the Christian churches the Presbyterian and Episcopalian sects have shown more tolerance towards other beliefs. Buddhists are fairly tolerant, or at least the ones that I've met. But for a homosexual couple I would suggest a Unitarian church. Unitarian churches encompass a wide range of religions, are incredibly tolerant, and it is there that you will most likely find your true faith or at least become more at peace (spiritually). But remember that whichever religion that you feel is best for you- follow it. If the church is against homosexuality that's one thing, but more than likely that religions god will respect all human beings for who they are.
Actually some churches do allow gays to join.

I know that United Church of Christ allows gays.




There was a bunch more links form where I got this but I'm lazy at the moment.

Muslims are so anti gay they make Christian fundies look gay. Hindus are probably anti gay because they have their system that women have to take care of children and all that and gays can't really do that. Buddhists I can't be sure. My mom says they don't l ike gays but I don't think Sidhartha Gautama had to deal with the issue of homosexuality back in his day.
Muslims generally won't. It's not as big an issue for Buddhists and Hindus, at least those I have spoken to about it.

Actually, among Jews, acceptance runs fairly high. Chassidic and Orthodox won't do it, some Conservatives will, some won't. Reformed, which is quite large, will, as will a few other types. Among Christians, many are also accepting. Among mainstream groups, this includes United Church of Christ, Friends (Quakers), some Methodists. There is also a growing number of newer denominations growing up, ranging in theology from Catholic to Baptist to Pentecostal, which freely accept same-sex couples and will perform such weddings.
Unitarians, Wiccans, Some Christian churches will join gays and lesbians but shy away from calling it marriage due to politics within the denomination.

Methodists, Presbyterian, Episcopal, This varies from church to church.

Those who say it is our way or the highway type of Christians are no different than what they protest against.

I would as an atheist not deny them their choice to belief as they choose yet they would deny others their rights by creating laws that discriminate.
Many faiths don't based simple on the time in which they were fonded, homosexuality does not result in procreation, no children meant no crops...so on and so forth. thus taboo attached to it, the newer the religion the more lenient they will be in regards thing like that.... for example Pork was against Jewish law because of it being dirty, you would get swine worms, now a days pork is as clean as any meat when cooked properly, so the law is obsolete... do You understand what I mean? most the old laws were out of necessity
Satanism! It';s all about freedoms of a selfish nature; that is to say, being concerned with one's self. If it feels good do it; that kind of thing. Gay and lesbian practices are as much of an abomination of God as satanism itself; pretty harsh but very true.
Most of them allow gay couples to join.

Just because they don't believe in gay sex doesn't mean that kick people out.

Incidentally - my parents attend a Pentecostal Holiness Church in a small southern town. Of the 30 or so members, there are two openly gay couples. And of course, it isn't an issue.
FALSE RELIGIONS DO; those not heeding God's counsel on such matters; the ones run by Satan, but that seem rosy and cherry on the outside. False religions are one of Satan's biggest tools he uses to fool the masses ultimately to their timely destruction.

1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11:

What! Do YOU not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men, nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God’s kingdom. And yet that is what some of YOU were.


The religious ones who ';PICK AND CHOOSE'; from the Bible are the ones mocking God and fooling only themselves, but by this time it's beyond foolishness.. thus stupidity ';the knowing that your actions will prove to bring negative or disasterous consequences'; is why so many refuse to live their lives in harmony with TRUTHFUL BIBLE STANDARDS.

God won't be mocked and only a little while longer and the wicked one will be no more... we will give attention to his place, but he will not be... (Psalms 37: 8 - 11)
Many Christian denominations do not believe that homophobia is loving and moral. Examples are Unitarian Universalists, Quakers and the United Church of Christ. Many Presbyterian, Lutheran, Methodist, Episcopalian, Jewish and Disciples of Christ churches also consider homophobia to be sinful and morally repugnant.
Some religions support 2 spirited people, others accept them. There are quite a few, including most Christians. The out spoken condemn it and give Christianity a bad name. The United Church certainly are supporting of gay and lesbian relationships.
There are many Gay and Lesbian Practitioners within Buddhism

Our Third Precept simply states

To abstain from sexual misconduct

and is left for the Practitioner to interpret this in how it relates to the individual

I personally believe a Gay or Lesbian relationship is just as valid as a so called straight one and many other Buddhists think the same way After all being Gay is simply a persons Karmic lifestyle nothing more and nothing less I wish you well
Jesus died for the sins of all kinds of people Jesus was recorded as forgiving prostitutes and tax collectors, and all kinds of lowly people. The problem with homosexuals is that they want God's blessing, and are not willing to let God change them. We all are sinners, and when you become a Christian you open up the doors for God changing you. The Bible predicts that in the end times there will be people looking for false teachers that make them feel good about thier sin. So you can always find a false Christian teacher that wants money.
not all christians are against same sex couples, particularly the unitarian universalism and the metropolitan community churches, and of course the catholic dignity church. as to buddhists i don't think they are against gays either. don't know about the rest.
christians arent against them, they accept anyone to join their church because joining a church is important. I know that because at my church we accept anyone who wants to worship.

I know that Apostolic Lutherans are very against this, research it!
I don't know if Judaism in America is against homosexual marraige because Judaism in America tends to produce a lot of left-winged civil liberty supporting individuals such as the Abbie Hoffmans and Abraham Foxmans of the world.
Wicca is the only one that does that I know for sure.

Scientology probably does too, but they're creepy.

Quakers, Unitarians probably do.
Wiccans/neo-pagans are generally open.

Buddhism and Shintoism seem open, from what I know.
I don't know about the others, but I'm pretty sure Buddhism accepts it. It's more of a philosophy than a religion anyway.
You are wrong about Jews. Reform and Reconstructionist Jews do not have a problem with gay marriage.
Hmmm, well, the catholics have nuns and priests, soooo....
Anglicans, have a gay bishop. How progressive.
Unitarian Universalists
and the Episcopalians.
Believe it or not Christianity does if you belong to churches like the United Church. No lie.
Why go around the bush to do something God doesn't like.

Just call yourself an atheist and be done with it.
Wicca. It's totally free of that kind of prejudice

The main saying it ';An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will'; which means do what you want if it causes no one harm.
im confused
don't know. some methodist do i think.
Christians ';allow'; gays and lesbians to attend church. If you bar the door to sinners then no one gets in. We just don't allow you to lie to yourselves that it's okay in God's eyes. If you can handle being taught about your sinful ways just as I must handle being taught about my sinful ways then come along this Sunday.

If you want a religion that lies to you then I would simply ask ... WHY?

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