Saturday, January 23, 2010

What will Obama have to do in order to grant equal federal rights to same-sex couples?

Now that Obama has been elected, and he said he'd like to grant equal rights to same-sex couples that mimic heterosexual couples' ';marriage,'; on a federal level, what is the step-by-step procedure he'll have to take? How long would such a thing take, if at all predictable?What will Obama have to do in order to grant equal federal rights to same-sex couples?
he will give them a certificate

mark kWhat will Obama have to do in order to grant equal federal rights to same-sex couples?
Did you see how same-sex marriage was resoundingly rejected in the last election? It would be political death for Obama to take any action in order to further the gay agenda. All he can do is agree to rubber-stamp whatever pro-gay legislation the Congress puts forward. Even then, it may doom his chances for re-election in 2012. As far as the gay agenda has come, it will never become socially acceptable because the USA is fundamentally a religious nation and religions across the board reject the gay lifestyle. The best gays can hope for is continued ambivelence by the media and a permissive attitude by the citizenry.
he will not do nothing, he will ignore the problem and agree that its a problem with the state, just like he does with everything else, he ignores it and points at the law in that area.
The president does not introduce legislation though he can ask for congress to do so. President Obama has always said that homosexual marriage is a state issue, not a federal one.
He can introduce the bill to Congress - from there, it's any body's guess.

They may start debate immediately or they may go on vacation.........
The federal government has no interest in marriage so hopefully he'll have the sense to leave it alone.
It will be on huge pile of ';to do'; list on his desk

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