Saturday, January 23, 2010

Does the peace corps always split up married couples?

My wife and I were recently invited into peace corps service. They said we have different staging dates, and different departure dates. They also said we will live with differenr host families during the 3 month in country training.

We will be separated right from the beginning although, we have been told that married couples go together. Nothing that we are being told now indicates that we are ever together.

so, does the peace corps always split up married couples?Does the peace corps always split up married couples?
Instead of asking on Yahoo Answers, perhaps you should ask this question to the Peace Corps. They would have much better info than a bunch of crazy people in cyberspace. Call your recruiter. Call the DC office. Or talk to the placement office.

Different staging and departure dates? That makes no sense. Groups don't usually travel separately. And staging is done TOGETHER as a group. Are you even going to the same country? Does PC know you are even married? Did you put on your application that you are applying as a married couple? Did you interview together as a couple?

They always place married couples together, although sometimes during training people can be apart. But they still will place you together at your site for the remainder of the two years.

Once again, call Peace Corps to discuss it with them!!!Does the peace corps always split up married couples?
My parents were in the Peace Corps and they were not split up, but that was decades ago.
Maybe that's just for their training, especially if their expertise lies in different fields. From what I've heard, the Peace Corps encourages married couples and tries to keep them together, if possible. If they're contributing drastically different things, it may not be practical/possible for them to work in the same area. That's only what I've heard and that was some years ago. I applied for the Peace Corps after College, I was turned down, my major was Classics (Greek and Roman history, I minored in religion.) Guess they were looking for someone with some more practical knowledge,LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
You are married and should not be separated! Tell them you want to be together, or you will reconsider volunteering your time!

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