Thursday, January 21, 2010

Why is that among so many lesbian couples you find a manly woman and a feminine partner?

If lesbians don't find men attractive then why do so many imitate men

in order to attract a feminine lesbian?Why is that among so many lesbian couples you find a manly woman and a feminine partner?
Many gay relationships are like that - one is more ';masculine'; and one is more ';feminine';. I guess we are hardwired, to an extent, to exhibit gendered behaviour, and it's inescapable.Why is that among so many lesbian couples you find a manly woman and a feminine partner?
There is a difference between a lesbian and a transgender. A lesbian wants to be a woman, is a woman, and likes woman. A transgender is the one that is stuck in the other sex's body. Butch women are just manly, not because they want to be man (or feel like man), but because that's the way they are (there personality, like a tomboy etc...). Lesbians can be feminine too, think Ellen and Portia (feminine). If a lesbian finds a butch attractive it has to do more with the personality or likings of the woman.
Many lesbian women want a masculine, dominant partner without the macho, male, moronic bullsh*t that usually comes with that set of genitals.

Because of this, I would imagine these lesbians you speak of that go with butch women are likely more psychologically, or associatively, gay (willing to subdue their natural sexuality regarding genitals for a more desirable relationship) than they are genetically or developmentally gay. That is, loving women was not something hard-wired into their brains from birth or puberty, so the illusion of maleness is still desirable.

As well, some good-looking lesbians will date slobs, just as some good-looking hetero women will date slobs.
Based on your previous questions, it seems you lack experience with the gay/lesbian community, as well as different types of working women, and are believing pretty common stereotypes about the lesbian community. Some lesbian couples are super fem (love so-called ';feminine'; stuff), some are super butch (dress practical, short hair, no makeup), some are androgynous (aren't into fem or butch or gender roles), and most are a mixture of traits and attributes that some traditional ppl assume are ';feminine'; or ';masculine';. I was with a woman for 15 years, and met all kinds.

I've also met plenty of super ';butch'; looking women who are happily married to a man, with kids, but they aren't into the feminine stuff, at all. If you look at a number of women who work at a textile or packing plant, it's not practical to wear jewelry, makeup or clothes that can get caught in the equipment they're working with. I grew up in the rural midwest-it was nuts to wear clothing that wasn't sturdy and able to take a beating when you're milking cows, haying animals, cleaning stalls, planting crops, baling etc. You're not imitating men when you're trying to make a living-you're just wearing what you need, to get the job done.
Because the feminine one isnt really a lesbian, shes just experimenting, she is what is known on the gay scene as a ';tourist';.
I do not find that to be the case. I usually find in most lesbian couples they merely look like women who do not plaster on make-up.
great question...I am by no means homophobic, but the first posters answer is borderline dishonest....clearly the scenario you describe is highly prevalent
Homosexuality is part of who you are lmfao.
Mable: Wouldn't she be atleast bisexual then?

Maybe she got hit with the bisexual gene.
Lesbians wish they were men, but are too inferior for men to accept them.

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