Thursday, January 21, 2010

What is your opinion on same sex couples having kids?

Personally, I don't care if they are allowed to marry but i do not believe they should have kids. What is your opinion on the issue?What is your opinion on same sex couples having kids?
My parents are a gay couple, so of course I believe in it! They were my godparents and took me in after my mother died. They're just like every other parents... It makes me sick that some people want to stop loving people from being parents because of some sick, twisted, religious dogma.

I have no shame about having two dads. They were and are excellent parents. I spent the first 11 years of my life with a straight mother who disdained my existence, and the past 11 years have been wonderful, having my godparents - how could I be ashamed or resentful for having two dads who love me and would do anything for me? Just because they like blokes? Seriously, what issues do you Christians have with two people LOVING each other and wanting a family to LOVE? Why is it doing you any harm if other people live differently? We're not affecting your life, or doing anything wrong...

As I see it, there isn't enough love in the world to begin with, and anyone who's willing to do so should be able to without ridicule from the peanut gallery. By the way, a lot of the hate and anger that replaces love in our world is instigated, pushed by, and continued by religion - all you have to do is look at the crusades, the middle east, the holocaust, and the troubles in Ireland to see how much love religion spreads.

Some people are gay. Get over it. Wanting to deny my parents the right to have children is like me saying nobody with blue eyes should be allowed to be a parent, or you have to be a certain height to parent, or if you have high blood pressure or depression or a crooked right little finger you can't be a parent. It's utter nonsense. Pull your heads out of the Bible and your ars*es and just TALK to a gay couple, or heaven forbid, the children of a gay couple. Maybe it'll open your minds when you realize we aren't mutant heathens running about trying to destroy the world. We're no more abnormal than children of straight married couples, children of single parents, or children raised by their extended family. We're just a normal family, but religion wants to take that from us.

I'm tired of all these religious zealots. I'm sick of them telling me my family isn't valid just because I've got two fathers. But you know what? We're winning. In almost every state, gay adoption and gay step-parent adoption is legal. The US is finally catching on that the Church, no matter how it wants to, cannot dictate law nor decency.What is your opinion on same sex couples having kids?
I think that same sex couples should have the same reproductive rights as straight, interracial, handicapped and mixed religion couples. No one should ever be told that they can't have a family because their lifestyle of choice. The only time I think certain people should not have children is if they are abusive, drug addicted, alcoholic, or a pedophile. No one should be denied a basic human right based solely on lifestyle.
I am for same sex couple adoption. I don't think it's my place to say who is and isn't allowed to have children. The worst mother and father in the world can go and make a baby with no one to stop them, so why can't loving parents adopt a child who has no home? Gender is a non-issue in my opinion. Some kids are born into unthinkably miserable situations, and then are abandoned, and if someone (or some people of the same gender) are willing to open their lives and their hearts to a child, it is foolish not to let them. Some people let hatred get in the way and that is just plain silly. I work in a daycare, and there are several children that come in from a same sex couple, and honestly some of them are the best kids there. They are sensitive, polite, and do not make fun of others, which is a lot more than I can say for some other kids whose parents can be downright nasty to those different from themselves.
Study after study has proven that growing up with a same-sex couple as parents does no more harm to children than growing up with a 'traditional' mother and father. They're also no more likely to be bullied*, and are usually better able to cope with bullying, probably because their parents would have a lot of experience of being bullied themselves by ignorant, mouth-breathing yokels.

I'd certainly rather see a kid being raised by a same-sex couple than to grow up with no parents at all. And I'd certainly prefer, if something was to happen to myself and my childrens' mother, that my kids were raised by a loving, caring same-sex couple than by ignorant bigots who would teach them to discriminate against people different than themselves.

The only reason to be opposed to same-sex parenting is ignorance and/or bigotry, both of which are curable conditions. Of course, the real reason the bigots don't want to see this happen is because everything that happens to make people realise that gay people are just regular folks like you and me, is something that makes it that much harder for them to justify and spread their ignorance and bigotry.

* If we're going to suddenly start using ';But they might be bullied!'; as a reason to deny people the right to raise children, should we also start denying that right to overweight people? People with a disability? People with bad breath or body odour? People with glasses? What an absolutely ridiculous thing to say. Think about it, people.
Well, I recognize it is there right to have children, but I don't feel it's something they SHOULD do. I believe gays can make just as loving, caring parents as anyone else and a raise a child with the best of intentions, but in the end, the world is still going to be out there and it's not going to change. I recognize there is no study that says children raised by gay parents are adversely affected in any way, but I'm not so sure I necessarily believe that to ALWAYS be true. The fact is, realistically, children are affected by the way their parents live and decisions they make. What people do in their private life is their business and they have every right to live the way they see fit as long as it affects no one but themselves, but when they're bringing an innocent person into that picture who doesn't have a choice about whether or not to become exposed to that, it's not just all about them anymore. LGBT people in our society face alot of criticism and even abuse because of their lifestyle. Maybe they can deal with that scrutiny, but can their children? Say you're in a lesbian relationship and you and your partner have a little girl. One day, she comes home sad and tells you that her friend Lisa, isn't allowed by her parents to come to your house and play anymore, because they feel it's inappropriate that your daughter has two mommies. What can you do or say? Now this isn't just true of homosexuality, but of ANY number of ways of living. The issue of people being gay parents is not questionable to me because they are gay and that's, somehow, supposed to be a bad thing, but more so, BECAUSE of the way their lifestyle can impact their children growing up. Yes, gay people have the same potential to be good parents as anyone else, but I believe their children are bound to have certain issues to deal with as long they live in a society where their parents lifestyle is looked down upon by so many. Like I said, that's not just homosexuality, but could be applied to many ways of living. We all have a right to have life beyond our own, but when deciding whether or not to CHOOSE to do that, I believe we all have a moral responsibility to consider things like this.
I think that as long as they are financially and emotionally ready for children, they should be able to have children. We have far too many children in the foster system to ban good families from adoption, and you simply cannot rule the personal reproductive lives of other people.
I know a same-sexed couple with kids and it's not weird at all. they use IVF and now have twin girls. They are well rounded and good kids. I really don't think anything of them being lesbian's. They just seem like a normal family to me. They have a normal house, go to church, one works the other stays at home. It's not like they have gay pride stuff all over the place or are trying to make their kids be gay in fact they would prefer that they were straight. They said life would be easier for them if they were and they don't want them to have hard lives.
I think it's a great idea. If two same-sex people are together, the best they could do is ';reproduce';, even if it means to adopt a child. That's wonderful in my opinion. The child won't have problems with one sex missing. There are kids growing up with their single mom or single dad. It's better if the single parent has someone to love and who loves them and they both take care of the child.
same sex couples having a non-issue to me. one of my very good friend's mom is a lesbian. granted she was married to my friend's he does have a father. he loves his mother and her girlfriend. when someone asks if he has step parents..he tells them that he has three moms and a dad. he even has a shirt that says ';i %26lt;3 my moms!'; he doesn't think it weird. my brother is gay. if he were to ever decide that he wanted to adopt a child..i would stand behind him 100% not just because he's my brother but because i see how he acts towards children and i know that he'd make a wonderful would his boyfriend.

i would honestly rather see a same sex couple adopt a child than to see a child stay with parents that can't even take care of him.

and to everyone who says well the bible says this..or the bible says that..if you honestly believe that you should follow what the bible says..does that also mean that you'd stone your children to death for not listening to you?..i think not.

i just think it's a shame that so many people disagree with same sex couples adopting children. what does it matter to you if they adopt children? at least there would be less children needing to be adopted!
The problem with this world would be 1/2 the answers you have received.

They should be allowed to marry and raise children, just as any married couple or any single parent.

Do you agree with the ';man who was pregnant'; who is really a woman is right in deceiving his child to think he is man but yet he is very much still a woman?!

Last time I checked we lived in a FREE country. Let them be free and love who they want to, I would assume most of you are against biracial dating/marriage as well right?

I think all kids should have both male and female role models in their life, however if we are to enforce that both of these need to be their parents, divorce and children outside of marriage should also be illegal. I know adults were raised by gay parents and they turned out marvelously.

Also as a christian. :)
Why shouldn't they?

Who are you to judge?

Shouldn't you be teaching your children that it's okay to be who you -are-, not what you dictate they should be?

If I could not keep my child, I would be more than happy to give them to a homosexual couple. Why? Because they teach that love is love, no matter the gender... and that even in the face of adversity, you must never EVER let someone take you from who you really, truly are.

And for all those people who say it's wrong? I say you're wrong for making people fit the mold you made. I say you're wrong for being so ego-centric as to force your ways on someone else.
Children need loving parents whether that be Mum and Dad or Dad and dad and Mum and Mum, does it matter as long as the child i loved taken care of and is happy, so many children do not have this in their lives so who are we to judge parents who want to love and take care of a child regardless of their sexual preference
it dosent matter to me.

I think that love is love.

even if it does mean that you can't naturally

have your own.

the baby will have to accept to same

sex parents.

My friends mother is a lesbian.

she was born from TWO ladies!

she turned out fine.

its whatever floats their boat.
I believe that if the couple want a kid they should be able to have one.

I mean what is better?

A male/female couple who have a child and don't take care of it


A couple who would do anything for a child but are the same sex?
i think it is fine....

the child will probley end up fine....

if they want to ban gay marriages because its a bad influence they should also ban divorcing...

because having your parents divorced is worse than having gay parents...
I know several same-sex couples who are raising fine kids in a loving home.

My opinion is that it's none of your business.

All the best.
I think they could make excellent parents, especially having 2 Moms.
i think it would be weird for the kid but i think they have the right.
that is fine. all families are different.
As a Christian, I do not believe for Biblical reasons that they should be allowed to have any children. I am not one of the unreasonable folks that thinks that every homosexual will try to turn their kids into a homosexual, but I do believe that a child needs a mother and a father in their life, and a homosexual couple cannot meet that need, period. I also understand there are single parent homes, but no, I do not believe that the homosexual couple is better or even as good as a single parent. The lifestyle they lead is wrong, goes against nature itself, and should be taught against. The innocent child should not have to grow up thinking this practice is normal, and being teased for having 2 moms or 2 dads.
I do not think they should have the right and here is why.

The ONLY way they can have them is adoption or artificial insemination because everyone knows 2 men cannot produce a bay,neither can 2 women.

The main reason though is a child needs a mother and a father.No gay man can be a mother and no lesbian can be a father sorry.Pseudo imitation mothers and fathers just do not make the team.

Not to mention the horrible stigma the child has to live with because of it.
Better to be archaic than a complete idiot like someone above.

If super nanny had it her way kids would be learning about sex the moment they start walking and talking and kids would be brought up to believe that black ppl are victims and that history is white washed.Don't listen to fools.
No, I dont think its a great and women who are supposed to be in a relationship create babies, thats why its special..

Also explains why you cant just by a baby at the local shop..

Its a natural healthy thing for a man and woman to do, I dont have anything against gay relationships or marriage, but babies are a definate no no for me.

Its not that I think they are bad parents are anything else, i just worry for the child at school, being picked on etc...
I dont care if same sex couples get married, people should be able to do what they want, but i DO think there SHOULD be laws against them having children. I dont agree with it and never will
Poor kid

Sorry but God created women and men for a reason


or at least i dont think its a good idea for them having a child

Cuz that would be kinda weird OR emabrassing for the kid
I do not care if they get married but that is very embarrassing for the child to have no mom or no dad just 2 dads or 2 moms. So he might get hurt at school.
I don't care what happens to people I don't know the name of.
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