Saturday, January 23, 2010

How do couples keep love ALIVE, STRONG and DURABLE? Does it take more than trust and attraction?

I'm sure the question has been asked several times. I know 'Trust' and Compatability are key issues as is attraction of some kind. But is there more required to make it last?How do couples keep love ALIVE, STRONG and DURABLE? Does it take more than trust and attraction?
I feel communication is also a key factor, some couples just don't talk about how they are feeling, they bottle it up, and in allot of cases ends up badly.How do couples keep love ALIVE, STRONG and DURABLE? Does it take more than trust and attraction?
sex, seriously...once you let that go people begin looking elsewhere and that leads to a long chain of bad events..keeping your sex life alive and interesting will help the rest of your relationship..ask any couple who had a divorce and they'll say their sex life was one of the first things to go

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