Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How do adoption agencies treat gay couples wanting to adopt?

Can sumone explain to me how adoption agencies find parents that are caring, lovable, and responsible enough to care for a child? How do they prove that? Do the parents have to take some test or examination before adopting, especially gay couples?How do adoption agencies treat gay couples wanting to adopt?
They are treated the same as any other couple---otherwise it would be discrimination. All interested in adopting or fostering will have a home study done, medical exams, fingerprinting done, references checked, training, etc etc.How do adoption agencies treat gay couples wanting to adopt?
They are treated the same. I know a little boy (he was 4) that was adopted by a gay couple. They chose that couple for this child because he had a lot of issues and needed a lot of counseling. This couple owned their own business and they could take the child to the appointments because they made their own hours (more so than a person working for outside businesses). As far as I know, he is doing great.
They treat eveyone who wanting to adopt the same way they will look at records and stuff like that but they are under no circumstance allowed to discrimanate couple because of their sexuality i think it is brilliant that gay couples want to adopt!

Hope this helps

Good Luck with it
Everyone must pass a homestudy. There is no ';guarantee'; that adoptive parents will be caring, lovable and responsible- straight or gay. When it comes down to it, the only thing agencies REALLY care about is the money they will make. Period.
Same as everyone else.鈥?/a>
A five month intrusive assessment called a prospective adopters report (in England) references, background checks, medicals etc.
With respect I hope. Gay parents love their child just as much as straight parents do. And just like straight parents, gay parents can be bad parents. It does not matter if you are straight or gay.
yeah there are tests and i dont think that gay couples should be allowed to adopt newborn babies. its not about creating a family for them just because they arent in a reproductive relationship. if its a lesbian then they could choose to get pregnant themselves and if its a gay male couple, well, i not going to go there. if they wanna foster kids fine.

oh and everyone can pretend to be lovely in front of the social workers but who knows what they are like when they leave.

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