Saturday, January 23, 2010

Should couples avoid shopping together as it often results in bitter arguments?

So, what do you think?

Just got back from my local town and seen endless couples in various shops arguing about things. Man bored, man sick of looking at new dresses on partner, women thinking man doesn't give a damn, rows about money. Silence over mochas in Starbucks.

So should men and women avoid shopping together?

Or does it work out fine for you?Should couples avoid shopping together as it often results in bitter arguments?
My wife and I stopped shopping together before we got married. It is a major point of frustration for both us so shopping alone helps us stay happy. She is a slow and methodical shopper. I cannot get out of the store fast enough.Should couples avoid shopping together as it often results in bitter arguments?
A partnership requires giving from both parties. Make a compromise and let him go to the automotive section while she heads for shoes. If he'd rather stay home that's fine, but there should not be any problems. My Mum and Dad never have any arguments. If Mum's taking forever Dad will walk to a close store, borrow the car until she's done, or get a magazine. He is very polite and patient.

It's just shopping for heaven's sakes!
Oh please, YES. I have shopped with my wife for 26 years. There has not been a single occasion where hostilities of some kind did not break out. I usually end up waiting outside the store looking after the children. We while away the hours counting people, watching out for Fire Engines and other intresting things. My wife apparently has no sense of time. Once inside the store she is in a different time plane to the rest of us. PLEASE ban this cruel sport.
OMG i never go shopping with my bf...v.dangerous territory! He gets bored....rushes me...doesnt like anything i pick out. And when we shop for him it's usually DIY and takes ages! We always end up having an argument in fact we just got back from shopping. I usually go with my sister or mam instead!

I think some men are good but i have no idea where id get me one of those! ;)
Couples need to talk about the situation before going to town. Why are they going, what to buy, how much to spend. Get a life! These are not couples, these are wanderers in the night ~~~~~~~~~
That depends on the individuals.

Let each couple sort out their own way.

1 comment:

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