Saturday, January 23, 2010

What are possible pros and cons of homosexual couples adopting & raising children?

Can it be healthy for a child's identity?

Why or why not?What are possible pros and cons of homosexual couples adopting %26amp; raising children?
I still don't know what my view on this is. I can sympathize for the couples who want to make a family together, I REALLY can. But at the same time (I know you've heard this) honestly, think about the kid(s). The fun at his/her expense would be never ending. Not only that, but if they did make friends, I'm sure their friends would most likely feel very uncomfortable coming over. I'd imagine a child of homosexual parents would feel very alone and unaccepted. Homosexuality itself will never be completely accepted by society. As for the child's identity; like I said. Alone. Unaccepted. And then at the same time they'd be adopted, that has an effect on children also. I suppose that's a bit irrelevant but I'm sure you can see that it tends to take a toll on any child's identity. The only pros I can think of are a child having a good acceptance and understanding of homosexuality and the parents being satisfied. But the cons outweigh the pros here a lot. Unfortunately homosexual adoption tends to take a very negative toll on a child's identy and it's mostly because of the rest of society. I'm sure that there are many wonderful children out there that would love their parents and be strong enough to go through life with people constantly having terrible things to say to them, but who wants that for their child? Even if they can handle it? Like I said. I still can't decide what I really think about this. I just know that in most cases, this is a very bad thing for a child to have to live with. I have nothing wrong with homosexuality. Nothing at all. But a lot of society does, and there's basically not a lot that can be done for that.

-SkylarWhat are possible pros and cons of homosexual couples adopting %26amp; raising children?
There really aren't any cons. Fears surrounding this subject are often unfounded and unsupported by research. A 2002 study found that an overwhelming percentage of children growing up in a household with homosexual parents were heterosexual. A study conducted in 2006 found that the mental health of children raised by same-sex parents was no different than that of children raised by opposite sex parents and a 1992 study found that children with homosexual parents had about the same quality of peer relationships as children with heterosexual parents.
I imagine that it is just fine. It certainly has to be better than not being adopted by anyone, and I've found nothing that convinced me that homosexual couples as a whole are worse than heterosexual couples as a whole. I've met a few people raised by homosexual couples, and the main difference is that they tend to be much more accepting of homosexuals in society. This is only a bad thing if you think homosexuals are bad people. And having homosexual adoptive parents does not turn children into homosexuals. None of the folk I met were homosexuals, in fact.

The main likely problem is that the kid might get teased for having two dads or something, but that is no reason not to adopt.
really isn't a philosophical question. at least not in your phrasing.

but in the simplest sense.

there are no real cons to homosexual couples adopting childeren. unless you have a bias, fear, or revulsion towards gay people.

studies show, exposure to gay people, in terms of role models, or parental figures doesn't increase or ';make'; anyone gay.

and aside from that ridiculous fear... it's simply a matter of the caliber of the people choosing to raise a child.

i'd argue, that if a couple, regardless of gender/sexual dynamics, is loving, and able to provide for a child, then they'd make decent enough parents.

pros. specifically to being raised by a homosexual couple.

exposure to a different lifestyle. tolerance, and open minded life experience.

con would be... exposure to intolerance, hatred and bigotry against homosexual people, teasing and ridicule based on people's perception of homosexuals etc.

but again. almost all of that has nothing to do with parenting, and everything to do with social perception of gay people. and even the aspects of being gay have nothing to do with being good parents.

now... if you're asking a metaphysical question, of what constitutes a family, or the nature of masculine, or feminine influences withing a homosexual paring, and the impact on a child... ie. having two mommy's or two daddy's or whatever. i can't speak to that.

but i would say... the at it's purest level. Adoption is about love. and there are plenty of childeren in the foster system, so any couple, ...capable to support a child, and willing to extend love and caring toward them... would probably make decent parents.

now...add in religious nuttiness, or bias against gay peope and the door is wide open to interpretation.

i can't speak to that either... i mean someone's beliefs, are their beliefs, regardless of how much hatred or bias may permeate them. but... as a simple matter. it's pretty clean cut.

the reality is, there's still an awful lot of fear, and squeamishness in our culture about anything that isn't the norm. and that extends into institutionalized discrimination against gay folks, where adoption is concerned in some areas.

the bigger question is. what things make good parents? and then asking if that list can be met by a gay couple. i'd challenge anyone to offer up something that couldn't.

people sometimes throw out the ';traditional family values'; thing. which is laughable at best. for the last 50 years, the american nuclear family myth has been in decline. And the puritan ideal of marriage and family life is sad and tired.(women's lib, dual working parents, single parenthood, single fathers, it takes a village, high divorce rates, multiple marriages etc etc etc) The breadth of humanity and inclusion of culture render such outmoded ideals as silly at best, and shockingly delusional in the face of the true nature of the world.
PRO's : though I don't really see any other than the tired line of better than not being adopted (We should bring back orphanages instead of foster care). I am willing to be better informed.

CONS: Tons

children in homosexual households grow up without experiencing first-hand three of the most important relationships required for social development-husband/wife, mother/father and male/female

The probability of violence occurring in a gay couple is mathematically double the probability of that in a heterosexual couple,'; write activists with the NATIONAL GAY AND LESBIAN DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ASSOCIATION..

Several published studies show that children raised in homosexual households do not fair as well as those raised in traditional family environments. An April 2001 report published in AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW found that children of gay couples were more likely to be confused about their own sexual identity, more likely to engage in homosexual relationships and more likely to be promiscuous.


reports that ';people with same-sex sexual behavior are at greater risk for psychiatric disorders'; - including bipolar, obsessive-compulsive, and anxiety disorders, major depression, and substance abuse.

The MEDICAL INSTITUTE OF SEXUAL HEALTH reports: ';Homosexual men are at significantly increased risk of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, anal cancer, gonorrhea and gastrointestinal infections as a result of their sexual practices. Women who have sex with women are at significantly increased risk of bacterial vaginosis, breast cancer and ovarian cancer than are heterosexual women.';

Should children be handed over as trophies to the homosexual ';rights'; movement - adopting them into households where they'll face dramatically higher risk of exposure to domestic violence, mental illness, life-threatening disease and premature death? An environment which increases the chances they'll engage in high risk homosexual behavior themselves?

Not on your life. And certainly not theirs.
I cannot see any ';pros'; to this.

The ';cons'; are too many to list completely, but the biggie for me is the degradation of the traditional family lifestyle and its moral, social, and economic impact on our culture.
No pros. You need a man and a woman to raise the family. The kid will grow up confused or lustful. I have no problem with a single parent raising a kid if it needs to be done.
Perverts are spreading HIV all over the country. They are guilty of killing children who get HIV tainted blood transfusions etc. Perverts should be banished to a remote island like Leapers were, so we can save the planet.
There are no pros. Homosexuality is mental illness and needs to be treated as such, not flaunted as something legitimate. No child deserves a fate like that.
I would hate to be one raise by two homosexuals, this is the cons. As for the pros out of honesty I don't see a single positive reason.
The greatest Pro would be to teach children that Gays are just people who are genetically predisposed to homosexuality and not perverts.

The greatest Con would be to possibly impress on the child that homosexuality is the only way to live.
The Pros:

Good supportive nurturing environment where generic social choices are explained.

The Cons:

Influencing or validating children to become homosexual adults like them self.

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