Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What rights are taken away from straight couples if gays are allowed to get married?

People keep saying that if gay's can marry then they will be affected. I just want to know how?What rights are taken away from straight couples if gays are allowed to get married?
In reality none.

However, those against it are putting up a huge fight saying it will.

There was a lawsuit in NJ. A gay couple wanted to rent a building that was privately owned by a church for their wedding. The building was NOT a church, and church was NOT held in the building at all. The church used it to rent out to other secular events that the public wanted to hold there. They refused to rent to the same sex couple sighting it goes against their religion. The couple pulled up other secular events that the church had rented out the building that went against Christianity, sued, and won. The marriage coalition commercial is taking this event and saying that churches will not be allowed to legally deny same sex couples.

What they miss is that this building was not used for church at all, simply owned by the church. If they rent it out to one secular purpose, its unfair to not rent it out to the other.

Another case involved in the anti gay marriage fight is in the medical field. A lesbian went to an infertility doctor to help her get preg. After 1.5 years of fertility treatments, the doctor stopped at providing IVF because it went against her religion. The patient sued and won because the doctor had been treating her for 1.5 years and was aware of her orientation the entire time. The marriage coalition and others are taking this to mean Christian will have to choose between their faith and their work. Problem is, what is a Christian doing in an IVF clinic anyways? The Christian stance against embryonic stem cell research is that its murder.... What do you think happens to the embryos that dont implant??

Schools in same sex marriage states are starting to include same sex parents in the langauge addressing parents and in the materials given students. Anti gay marriage people are afraid they will no longer have the right to pass down their bigotry to their children because the schools are teaching that its ok.

Many Christians are convinced that same sex couples want to be married in and by the church. They dont. They want to go to the court house and have the same legal rights as the next couple. Those who do, are already a member of a denomination or religion that accepts them for who they are. The church has always had the right to decide who they will or will not marry, and that wont change.What rights are taken away from straight couples if gays are allowed to get married?
They say that it will hurt the institution of marriage, not that it will take away any rights. It's bogus, and shows you how absolutely clueless and self-deluded the religious fanatics are, but that's their reasoning.
The right to think of yourself as better than someone else.

Which reminds me of the Sammy Davis, Jr., comeback to ';Archie Bunker:'; ';After spending these few minutes with you, I can honestly say that you ain't any better than ANYBODY!';
It just opens more doors for more unnatural things to be accepted. Old men will want to marry 12 year old girls because they feel like they are in love also and they also feel like their rights are taken away.
it will destroy the traditional way of marriage.

Answer Mine Please.鈥?/a>
None. Human rights just won't be exclusive to heterosexuals anymore.
The 'right' for bigots to discriminate against and illegitimize gay relationships.
Sorry I can't help you on that one because nobody's rights are being taken away.
Absolutely none
The right to ***** about something else that was none of their business to begin with.
Not a right, but their ability to dictate what other people should do with their lives.

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