Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What xbox 360 games are good for couples?

I like games with a storyline and adventure. No RPG's please! I like to explore to RPG's you only get to fight.

Fun games i have played:


LEGO: Indiana, star wars, batman ect.


These should provide some good examples, nothing to childish as my boyfriend will not play them. Also please no guitar hero or rockband those games get old after a while.

Thank you!What xbox 360 games are good for couples?
Fallout 3 is a brilliant game and is in the running for Game of the Year. It does have some RPG qualities, though not many. The storyline is epic, graphics are amazing and the gmae, as a whole is amazing.

A game that is coming out, Assassins Creed 2, is going to be awesome. Even though this is more a male game, if you yourself like video games you will still enjoy it. Going on the first installment, this game will be monstrous in terms of next generation gaming.

Red Faction: Geurilla is a game I have recently brought and is #2 in the gaming ranks at the moment, this game as amazing and shouldn't be missed. #1 in the ranking is Prototype, a brilliant game which I also have. This can keep you going for many, many, many hours since it is a sandbox style game, similiar to all of the above.

Hope this helps!What xbox 360 games are good for couples?
are you talking about the old spyros? cuz they have newer ones called the legend of spyro (there's three of them, a new beginning, eternal night, and dawn of the dragon). and one of my favorite games is ';Half-life 2'; it has a lot of fighting but it involves exploring and real-time puzzles, meaning you have to move objects yourself rather than telling a prompt to do it for you. It also has a great story line. and although I've never played it, ';sonic: unleashed'; seems right up your alley or any other of the sonic games.

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