Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Why is it important to prepare engaged couples for marriage?

There must be reasons why some marriages end up in divorce, separated, after an altercation or conflict. Somehow engaged couples should know beforehand that marriage is not just a bed of roses, so to speak.Why is it important to prepare engaged couples for marriage?
The ones that know how to handle a relationship know that it won't be perfect all the time.

A lot of people get married even though they know that they should not. I think plenty of people just need to make mistakes to learn from them. There is no perfect way for anyone to handle a relationship and every relationship is different so what works for one might not work for the next one, so there is no way to 'train' couples to have a good marriage. The couples have to want a good marriage and be willing to work for one when things get tough, that is what makes a good relationship. Many people get married young and not knowing what they want, or get married when their relationship is already failing. There are many people who just have to make mistakes to learn from them, actually, most human beings are like that.

Not many marriages end after one conflict unless it is a MAJOR conflict, and the ones that do end after a little conflict weren't strong enough in the first place.Why is it important to prepare engaged couples for marriage?
A lot of people, including myself, attended ';premarital counseling'; with my fiance... you are right, it's not all a bed of roses but that shouldn't be the focus. The focus should be on being willing and open to make sacrifices and meet each other half way when it comes time for you to build a life together and make it official. A counselor can help both parties better manage their communication with one another in order to prevent a lot of hurt feelings. Another factor that is awesome is being able to work on your own individual issues with a counselor so that you are both better spouses all around.

I think a lot of marriages fail because one or both parties give up because they are not willing to make compromises when it comes to their differences. Sure, there are different levels of difference and some are more extreme that sometimes cannot be fixed... but most of the time it takes a lot of love and respect AND an open mind in order to work stuff out! :)
They do not think of discussing their expectations of the marriage, if they both want to have children and how they should be raised, their aspirations, things that they just will not be able to tolerate. If they would communicate more before marriage, they would not run into so many areas where they disagree, or do not know what is expected of them. Communication before the marriage is just as important as after the marriage.
No it is not a bed of roses but some people can take more thorns than other before they are ready to throw in the towel. In spite of all the warnings, counseling, discussions, books, etc. nothing can prepare you for all you are about to encounter in a marriage. What most preparation work is geared for is to start the dialogue early. The problem we don't think our world will change our love but really what happens is changes puts a strain on our love. sometime we don't express our self well and that leads down a negative path. Also resentment starts to hit. It is difficult but OH so rewarding if you learn to work it through.
Because they make poor choices to begin with.鈥?/a>

For them to fully understand that they are going to be stuck with the same person forever.

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