Friday, January 15, 2010

Are couples permitted to go to Australia on a working holiday visa together?

I don't see how it would be a problem, I am just making sure.

And if everything is okay, do you think that the required 5,000 AUD for each of us could be in one back account?

Thanks!Are couples permitted to go to Australia on a working holiday visa together?
There won't be any problems about going together though of course you must each have your own WHV.

I can't see any problem with having the money in one account as long as it's in both names. Don't forget that each of you must have either a return air ticket or funds (over the 5k) to buy one.

Have a great trip!Are couples permitted to go to Australia on a working holiday visa together?
The working holiday visa is valid only for the person it is issued to, so if you and your partner plan to go together, both of you must have your own working holiday visa. You cannot ';share'; a working holiday visa.

I think it should be fine sharing one bank account, as long as you have the required evidence of fund for both person i.e. there are 10,000 AUD in funding in that bank account.

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