Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Can hanging out with other couples who are fighting cause a ripple effect into my relationship?

Whenever my boyfriend and I hang out with some friends who are together and they get into an argument, we end up getting into an argument? Why does it cause us to fight? He will try to offer the other couple conforting word, but I dont think we even need to be involved. Is there such thing as a ripple effect, where thier low moral birngs us down too?Can hanging out with other couples who are fighting cause a ripple effect into my relationship?
Because it's a stressful situation - then it gets into whose side you're on, who you think is right or wrong and before you know it, you guys are arguing. Stay away from people who fight all the time, it's too much drama anyway, Find couples who are happy being together, or smart enough to keep their disagreements as a private matter.

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