Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Why does it take some couples longer than others to get pregnant?

why if you are a perfectly healthy couple and you do everything right can it still take up to a year? it doesnt make sense?Why does it take some couples longer than others to get pregnant?
As per previous answers may not be a healthy egg/ sperm so although it may be fertilised it will never implant properly so can take longer. Also a lot of couples put themselves under a lot of stress and this can impact your efforts when trying to conceive and unfortunately can become a vicious circle where you really want it to happen and it isnt so you get stressed.

There may be medical reasons also if you have been on long term contraception is can in some cases take slightly longer for your body to get back to normal.Why does it take some couples longer than others to get pregnant?
because sometimes its about the sperm and egg.. they are not always perfect there might be something wrong with them and so it might take a year but in the end you will become pregnant and it will be worth the wait and maybe it was better it took that year..

the sperm have a race to see who gets to the egg first and sometimes they go sidetracked or cant find the egg and sometimes they are to slow
i am not sure, i was depo for 4 years and the doc told me i would be back to normal after 3 months, but 7 months later i still wasnt pregnant even though i got my period back after 3 months. i went back on the pill for 4 months and have just come off it. we are trying for another baby now, cant wait to find out i am pregnant. just hang in there u will be pregnant hopefully soon
every body is different, some couples have issues, be it his issue or hers....

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