Friday, January 15, 2010

Couples .?

What do you argue over the majority of the time?Couples .?
The key thing to remember is that arguing and heatedly discussing are the same and different. You can be mad at each other, or you can just be deeply communicating, with both situations.

WE argue about not saying how we really feel, or makin clear what we really mean.

We argue about something being said that shouldn't've been said.

We argue about hanging up the phone on each other, or ignoring each other's calls, or not talking about everything, because these are things we've decided/agreed/promised to either do or not do.

We argue when we're bored.

We argue when one of us keeps the other waiting for a long time.

We argue when it's too quiet, or too loud, or there's no privacy.

We argue about his commitments, him letting them make me feel like they're more important to him than I and our relationship are.

We argue about not having time to talk. We argue about spending time on the computer or watching tv instead of being on the phone.

We argue about what we're gonna do for our individual futures as well as our future as a couple.

We argue about what we're gonna do to change the current situations in affecting our relationship.

We argue about a lot, with the goal of reaching understanding.

We're actually a lot alike, AND a lot different.

We've learned a lot about ourselves through each other.Couples .?
It's not a thing that we argue over, we are more likely to argue because we are stressed and broke.

We are moving to the other end of the country in April so we are in the process of saving money, looking for a new place to live and new jobs. I have recently been unwell for the last couple of months as well. Little things like this add up. But it is best to talk through them, even if you feel like screaming and shouting
we handle things differently (stress and whatnot) and it puts us at odds. i ignore things til they smack me in the face he insists on considering every angle but other things he avoids and i want to talk about... no main topic just how we handle things
I dont argue with my bloke, we have conversations about things that we dont always agree on, but not arguments.
That we dont see each other enough and i get mad if he decides to go out with his mates on the nights that we do get to see each other when he can see them anytime of the week
Money related issues.

My ex and I used to fight over amount of time spent together...he never wanted to see me and it caused many fights!
Him being too lazy to see me. And me wanting to see him too much.
each other ex, family, and private friends.


i hate it but its cause we luv each other=]

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