Friday, January 15, 2010

What are the consequences of CA prop8 for gay couples that were already married?

How does that work in reality? You're a happily married gay couple, living in an area that all of a sudden bans gay marriage. Will those marriages be invalid all of a sudden as well?What are the consequences of CA prop8 for gay couples that were already married?
If they were married during the time that it was legal then they are still married, it is not retroactive, it will only effect those that want to get married from here on forward in time. If you are already married in California you will still be married in California.


I heard a law professor from UCLA on the radio explaining what would happen. The new law will go into effect within two or three day of being certified.


Most legal minds are not sure but most think existing same sex marriages would remain validWhat are the consequences of CA prop8 for gay couples that were already married?
Same sex marriages will no longer be valid or recognized in the state of California upon the passage of Proposition 8.

The title of Proposition 8 is that it ';Eliminates Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry'; with the language ';Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.';

Since, if passed, the California Constitution would say that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California, same-sex couples who have been married would find that their marriage is no longer ';valid or recognized'; with that right being eliminated from California law.

Edit%26gt; A lawsuit has now been filed by the American Civil Liberties Union, Lambda Legal, and the National Center for Lesbian Rights that argues that Prop. 8 would change the California Constitution in such fundamental ways - taking important rights away from a minority group - that it amounted to a constitutional revision, which requires approval by the Legislature before being submitted to the voters.
No longer valid. :[
invalid now I guess. How awful...
Omg if it's no longer valid that's wrong ! It f*cking sucks! :(
Yep...invalid...ahhh a country of BIG change. We change our minds all the time! What a joke!

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