Friday, January 15, 2010

How many couples here have been pregnant after a vasectomy?

My hubby had one about four years ago and I would like to know how probable it is to still get pregnant.How many couples here have been pregnant after a vasectomy?
10-25 percent of children born in a marriage were not fathered by the woman's husband. They have DNA tests that can determine parentage so here are the facts:

Vasectomy is the most reliable method of BC.

There is 1 in 2000 chance of a pregnancy resulting from vasectomy failure - 0.05% (twice as reliable as the pill)

The rate at 1 in 4000 (0.025%) when DNA proven paternity of post-vasectomy babies. (4 times are reliable as the pill)

(This means that about half the babies are really not vasectomy failure but cheating wives)

The pill has a failure rate of between 0.1% and 5%.

The IUD rate failure rate is between than 1% and 2%

Condoms have a typical failure rate of 12%, and a rate of 18% in adolescents

Diaphragms and caps have a failure rate of up to 20%.

Female condoms have a failure rate of up to 22%.

Natural Family Planning - don't bother! Up to 25% failure rate.

What you are talking about is the chances of a vasectomy rejoining after the all clear has been given? This is known as late recanalization, and is in fact very rare. It develops in only about one in 4,000 (0.025%) of vasectomies. It has been known to occur as late as 17 months after vasectomy but your way past that.

Your so unlikely to have a baby born after vasectomy failure that it normally make the news media. That's how reliable it is. And if your pregnant now you better talk to the babies father.;)How many couples here have been pregnant after a vasectomy?
I didn't mean to infer that you were. I just have a little problem with miracle babies and women lying about it. Maury Povich always has them on. I'm 100 percent sure he's the father.

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Of course now your talking about either adoption or a vasectomy reversal which can be done. I think it's also possible to have sperm harvested from your husband and used to inseminate you.

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My husband had a vasectomy 10 years ago after our 4th child was born. I

'm about 4 weeks late and am freaking out!! I'm 48 years old and I'm praying it's just stress, but out of nowhere, people were talking about vasectomy rejoining at my daughters soccer game. Omen or what????

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My husband had one 8 years ago and it has worked so far.
I read somewhere that there's less than 5% chance in Year 1 and it's virtually impossible after that. It's been six years since ours.

On a ';funny'; note: I have a friend who found out she was pregnant 1 week after her husband's vasectomy. It'd happenened before they went in for the procedure.
I saw a doctor on TV, he said the probability was almost nothing, and they suspect the accidents that do occur, how can we say, were not the fault of the vasectomy but a problem of a different nature (not the guys kid)
My friend go that done and two years later his wife go pregnant. I talked him out of suing his doctor because I wasn't so sure that it was his doctor's fault.
Not very, But he can go in %26amp; have his semen checked for sperm count.

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